Chapter 11

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I wanted to ask Elena if she wanted to come with me and my friends but, I wanted her to take a minute. She must have a lot in her mind after what I told her. That didn't stop me from asking everyone else. I went to Hailey's house and rushed in to her room. She was watching YouTube like her normal self. She was kinda shocked of the fact that I just broke down her door.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"Did Kam tell you yet?" I answered.
"That depends on what."
"About Betty."
"Oh yeah, how is your soul?"
"Fine, but that's not why I'm here. I found the paint brush. You know the one that can paint anything."
"So, just how are you gonna get there?"
"Not important. Will you go with me to find it?"
"Of course I'll go! You are my best friend. I will always be here to help." She said as she put down her phone. She started packing and I told her to text me when she is ready. I wasn't wasting my time with pointless things that I would usually do. I ran to Jasmine's house hoping she would also say yes. I didn't get my hopes up though because I feel that even though we are best friends she might be to scared to take this kind of action. I knocked on her door and, of course, she answered it.
"Jasmine,*HUFF* I need you." I said out of breath.
"Yeah, what's up?" Jasmine replied.
"Will you come with me to find the paint brush."
"I don't know."
"Please. This is the only thing I ask of you."
"Technically, it isn't. But I will help you if it means that much to you. Kam sent me a text about what happened and I feel kinda bad."
"You have Kam's number?"
"Yup." She said as she gave me a bottle of water. She then wrote a little note on a piece of paper that had kam's number on it. I chugged my water down then I had to use the bathroom. This is why you don't drink water to fast. Sense Jasmine lives around the corner from me I just walked to my house to use the bathroom. Afterwards I went to Bri's house with my chin up high ready to ask the question. I knew Bri didn't know what was going on because Bri doesn't have kam's number. She never really asked. I knocked on her door and she answered.
"Hello Faith, what can I do ya for?" Bri said with a devilish smirk.
"Will you come with me to find the paint brush?" I asked.
"Sure. Just one question. Why?"
"Betty is real now and she is trying to kill us."
"Who's Betty?"
"She was my imaginary friend as a kid."
"So, she's evil. Well I don't know about you but I won't stand for things like that." As she said that I showed her my soul. I explained it with more detail to her and she seem more alarmed that ever. She started packing like Hailey did and I went home. That was three friends down only two more to go. I decided I would ask Elena to do this but I had my doubts. I waited till the next day because I was to tired to ask. Well, more like afraid.
   "Elena, will you come with me to find the paint brush?" I asked.
   "No. Besides I have better things to do."
"Like what?"
"Good point."
"Ok look, I know there will be four other people besides us. How about you only talk to me if there is a problem or if you need anything. Deal?"
"Fine." She said as I hugged her tightly. She gave me the look which told me to back off. Five friends is all I have I just need one more. I'll ask Kam! He would help this I knew. He wouldn't pass up an opportunity for a new adventure. I ran to his lab but he wasn't there. I waited instead of just leaving because I wasn't about to give up. I put my hands in the pocket of my jacket and felt something in one. It was a piece of watermelon candy. I opened the wrapper and there was a little note that read:
          Your smile is brighter then the sun itself.
   I ate the candy. It was good but, the little note was better. I think Hailey is right about one thing. I think I'm in love. But why would he date someone like me? I'm too weird for someone like him. I felt something new. I loved this feeling, I never want to end. Kam walked it and didn't seem to shocked to see me there.

      Then I asked him the question.

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