Chapter 13

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   The tree house was everything I ever dreamed of. Kam came out of the tree house with a wrench in his hand. He tried to throw the wrench into a tool box but, it missed. I climbed the ladder up into the tree house and seen all the wonderful things Kam had built. Hailey was inside putting up a cat poster that had a cat playing with a ball of yarn. Kam came up inside and gave Hailey a high five.
"You did all this?" I asked in amazement.
"Me and Kam did it for all of us." Hailey said.
"It has everything you wanted and some perks in which we contributed."
"So, this raises the question. How did Kam get here."
"I told him."
"Yup." She said as she grabbed my hand and took me to a steel door with no handlebars. It was a working elevator door and I just got more confused as to how did they get and elevator in a tree house. We got on the elevator and Hailey pressed the button to go down. When the elevator opened she grabbed my hand again and showed me the lab that looked exactly like kam's. Then she showed me the rooms that were all colored by soul. I ran to the purple room only to find it was empty.
I was planning on what to put in it but the Kam came down too. He took me back up and showed me the car he built. I was amazed of how fast they got this done. Everything was just perfect. Then I remembered what Jasmine said. I got packed and Elena came down with me as well. We put everything in the trunk. Then Kam threw the keys to Elena. I caught the keys instead.
"Give those to Elena and let's go." Kam said.
"She can't drive." I said.
"How old is she?"
"Then, she can drive."
"Kameran, she can't drive. So, I'll drive."
"That's not a good idea."
"It's safer then if she were to drive." I said as I got into the driver seat. At that moment a slight sense of fear came upon me. I was a little nervous but after watching so many people drive I figured this would be easy. It wasn't at first I had to do so many things and I almost hit a wall. There were no walls around us so I don't know how that was possible. I got the hang of it and Kam was navigation. He sat next to me up front.
Jasmine and Hailey sat behind us. Elena and bri sat in the very back. Everyone was silent until Jasmine and Hailey started talking to one another. Bri join in on the conversation and Elena stayed quiet. I was angry at Kam because of the fact he wanted to make Elena drive. I thought he knew why she couldn't drive. After four hours of driving Kam had to take the wheel because I fell asleep so he also learned to drive. I used my jacket as a blanket. I woke up to a watermelon candy on my jacket.
Kam was parked and sleeping by the time I woke up. I looked back and seen every one else was sleeping. I opened the wrapper of the candy slowly and quietly so I didn't wake anyone up. Like the last one there was a little note in it. The note read:
Your chocolate brown eyes shimmer like the starts.
I ate the candy and as I did I notice Kam with a small grin on his face. He knew I ate the candy. I took over the driver seat and started again. I drove us about all night to a gas station. It was the last place to get food and gas before you hit Evergreen then you have to go an extra thirty miles to get to the next gas station. Kam woke up to see me pumping gas into the car. He smiled and got out of the car and bought five donuts, a cereal bowl, A bottle of milk, and six bottles of chocolate milk.
He knew Elena didn't like donuts or much food for that matter. He had a plastic spoon in the car already for her. I was still pumping gas by the time he came out. He came over to talk to me.
"Morning sunshine." Kam said
"Morning." I replied
"I got us all donuts except for Elena who get cereal."
"Thanks. Hey, sorry if she doesn't talk to you or the others. Honestly, it's not her fault."
"Can I ask why can't she drive?"
"She has autism and epilepsy. She can have a seizure at any given moment. She was born without the social ability to make friends."
"Oh. I'm sorry, I had no idea."
"It's fine. I feel she might open up for once." I said as I stole a chocolate donut from him. He offered me the chocolate milk and I took it. He went into the car. I knew he was in love with me. I feel we are both afraid to love each other. But hey, you never know what can happen with love. Everyone woke up and Kam gave them their breakfast. Elena was surprised that she got cereal instead of a donut.

The smaller things matter most to her.

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