Chapter 9

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   She turned around so she wasn't facing us. She looks at herself as if she wasn't a human and is just now becoming one. She looked at her shoulder last but seemed disappointed to find nothing on there. I was terrified because now we have released an unstoppable person. Kam seemed more confused the of afraid. Betty turned back around.
   "Can you see me?" She asked.
   "Yes, yes I can." Kam said.
"I-I-I'm real!"
"Aren't we all?"
"You are Kam aren't you?"
"Yes, but how did you know?"
"Faith told me." She said as she looked at her hands. Kam looked down at me and I couldn't look at him. I could only look at Betty. Then her surprise smile turned to an evil smile. She rolled up one of her sleeves and her little pink slime monster came out.
   "See this Faith?" She asked.
   "Y-Yeah." I said with a slight stutter.
"This is what happens when you get curious. This is my little friend. The one who made being alone less lonely."
"What is it?"
"IT is a boy and his name is akumu or kumu for short."
"Good to know."
"Dose you chest still hurt."
"Very much, yes."
"It will hurt more once I'm finished with what I'm gonna start." She said as she used kumu to teleport her away. When she was gone Kam looked at me with a some what terrified look. Then his look turned to worry as he got off his knee and held out his hand for me to grab.
   "Need help?" He asked calmly.
   "No, I'm fine." I replied.
"After what I saw, I don't think that lie will work any more."
"For what?"
"For making you do this. Not only did you warn me but, she's out in the world. She can hurt so many people."
"Who even was that?"
"Betty, my imaginary friend. When I was little I played with her."
"Well, if she's no good then you need to stop her. But first you need to get up and make a plan."
"Fine" I said as I took his hand to stand up. I was a little wobbly standing but I kept my balance. I put on my teal jacket. Kam seemed more concerned about me and about what's gonna happen to me. He scanned my half just to be sure and the computer read:
             0.5  AT     0.5 DF
           One hit is all it takes.
  I looked at the screen closely. Only one hit. That's what it was even before my soul was in half. I guess I'm weaker then ever now. I looked over a Kam but he didn't look at me. Instead he looked at the keyboard with a death stare. I wonder what the keyboard did to him. Then he looked at me with the same look but I was to scared to turn away.
   "What are we gonna do?" He asked annoyed.
   "I don't know." I said.
"I should have never done this."
"This is my fault. You don't have to blame yourself for something that I did. If it weren't for me, this wouldn't have happened."
"Thanks Faith. You make the world a little brighter when it gets to dark." He said as he started to smile again. I never herd those words before. I didn't really think what Hailey was saying was true. He doesn't like me that way and I don't like him that way. So, what is this feeling in me? I have never felt this before, but whatever it is it feels good. I like this feeling but I just don't know what it is. When I left I talked to Hailey about what he said. She only seemed proud because she knew this feeling.

            She thinks I'm in love.

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