Chapter 3.

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{ I hope the plot doesn't get boring for everyone. Since I'm the one writing this I cant really give myself feedback so I'd LOVE it if you guys would give me feedback in the comments. And voting would help me out a whole lot, so please do. Pressing the button takes a second only. I love you all! ~T }



"I just can't believe this is our last year in school!" Sarah sighed. "I'm not sad, but it's definitely a wake up call."

"I know! It's like, 'wow, after this I can't be a lazy butt every day, I'll actually have to do work!'" I said and giggled with Sarah.

Sarah's giggles were cut short suddenly, and I opened my eyes to see if she had seen something on her phone, only to see that she was looking at something-or someone-to the left of me. I heard the squeak of boots as someone sat down next to me against the wall.

Oh no.

I turned my head to see none other than Harry himself as he smirked at me, speaking the words that I had not really expected to fall from his mouth.

"Hey beautiful, what're you up to?"


C'mon Clara, don't go brain dead on me yet. Say something.

"Oh, um..just checking my Instagram Harry." I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible but probably failing miserably. As always.

"Ah." Harry nodded. "I've never been a fan of social media apps. Not interesting things to me." Harry said as if Instagram and other social media apps were dust on the road.

I was the opposite of Harry then.

"Really? Because I think social media is a great way to check up on friends and/or relatives that you hardly see or are across the world." I said, indirectly referring to my Aunt, who lives across the country from me. I've never seen her before, but through social media we talk almost every day now.

"Well I think it's useless because you can't physically touch them through an app on a screen, now can you?" Harry retorts and I think before I respond.

"But what if you never will be able to touch that person? What would you do? Talk to them on social media. Send them updates on your life. Send them videos so they can hear your voice." I responded. It must have been a good response because Harry pondered for a few seconds before speaking.


"Hey, I'm really enjoying this conversation between you two on social media here. Really interesting, but can you two finish it soon? It's annoying hearing you two bicker." Sarah rolled her eyes, though I knew she was as nervous as I was inside. Just this morning he whispered how I was beautiful into my ear and now we're suddenly talking. Who would've known.

Harry laughed a genuine laugh and smiled, a smile that I've never seen in a quite long time. It was actually not a smirk like he usually plasters his face with, but a real smile that lit up his beautiful face and illuminated it. His laugh reminded me of dripping honey and was very comforting, like a warm blanked draped across your shoulders.

"Lets bother her more with our 'bickering', yeah?" Harry locked eyes with me, dimples popping out as my heart swelled at the boy. I heard Sarah groan next to me which made his smile grow, if even possible.

He then looked at me again, regaining his composure. "Hey, can I speak to you for a second outside?" He asked me. My heartbeat picked up. What in the world could he possibly want to talk to me about? Me?? Clara Faye Reynolds, the girl who once thought Harry dinged before realizing it was his phone dinging, not a noise coming from Harry's mouth.

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