Chapter 9.

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He led me into what looked like a game room. The room had a flat screen tv in the center with an Xbox 360 placed to the side if it. Four people were dancing in front of it to a song on a dance game called Just Dance. Around the four dancers were a decent sized crowd of people, cheering on certain people as they danced drunkly to the song.

"This is Liam's favorite room." Harry explained as he led me around the room in hopes of finding Liam. What me and Harry definitely were surprised to see was Liam in the corner of the game room, his head in his hands, sobbing.


I dropped Harry's hand and rushed down to my newly made friend, kneeling down beside him.

"Liam!" I gasped, wrapping an arm around his back in an attempt to comfort the broken boy. He looked up at me with wide eyes that were rimmed with red. His brown eyes were filled with sorrow and his face was flustered. I gasped at his sad face and squeezed his shoulder. Harry walked to the other side of him and kneeled down also.

"Mate, what's wrong?" He said, thoroughly worried for his best friend. Liam shook his head and hid his face in his hands, his body racking with sobs.

"Sophia..she-she- broke up w-with me!" Liam exclaimed, pulling his head up to look at Harry, tears rushing down his face.

I didn't even know that Liam had a girlfriend, but my heart immediately sunk at his broken face. Harry's face softened immediately at the mention of Sophia, Liam's now ex-girlfriend.

"Liam..." Harry couldn't find the right words to say to comfort the boy, so he just patted his knee in an effort of comfort. I never knew or suspected that Liam would be the crying type, but he just got dumped. I would cry too.

"When did this happen?" Harry said in a soft voice, green eyes wide at Liam, who was staring at the ground with a solemn expression.

"About an hour ago." Liam choked out, licking his lips and blinking a few times before continuing. "She thought I was cheating on her, b-but I was only hugging my friend that so happens to be a girl. S-she said that it was a ''more than friendly hug" and left me! She just left here actually." He said, sniffling after he had finished his short speech.

Harry looked at him as if he didn't believe the words that fell from his mouth.

"That's rubbish!" Harry exclaimed, his face angry. I raised an eyebrow at him. He should be comforting Liam, as I was, still rubbing circles onto his back gently with my hand. Liam looked up at the enraged curly haired man, who's eyes flicked over to mine before back to Liam's.

"You need to go after her. Now." Harry demanded, standing up swiftly and offering a hand down to him to help him up. Liam looked up at him before shaking his head, looking back down at his feet.

"It's not going to work, Harry. Sophia is a very stubborn woman. She is also one for holding grudges, so she wouldn't forgive me anyways." Liam said in defeat, practically raising the white flag and shoving it up his nose in an effort to try and get Harry to give up with him. Harry, as I knew, was obviously not going to cave anytime soon.

Harry bit his lip and groaned as Liam and I both stared up at him like scared animals. Before I knew it, Harry was yanking Liam's body up to a standing position, bringing him up like a rag doll. Harry was stronger than I thought if he was able to yank another man up with only his hand.

The sight was almost amusing, Liam's eyes wide as he leaned against the wall, trying to balance himself after limply being yanked up from his sitting position on the floor. After he regained his composure he stood up facing Harry. His shoulders were slumped showing that he obviously needed a pep talk from Harry before he'd run outside to chase his angry girlfriend. Well, not girlfriend as of now.

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