Chapter 17.

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I'm getting a little but self-conscious about this book, so if you like it so far please comment or vote on this chapter to let me know. If you don't, I may stop writing! I'll warn you now, because I have the plot for my next book already planned and I could always write that one instead. : ( I'm just curious, if you have been voting I appreciate every single one of you that did. Love you guys. ~Taylor



The pitter-patter of rain was what I awoke to. That and a noise coming from--somewhere. My body jolted to life, my senses immediately becoming fully awake from fear. I sat up in my bed slightly, looking around in the blurry setting of my dark room. I did not have my contacts in.

I swung my tired feet over the edge of my bed and listened carefully for the noise. It sounded like a scratching noise from my window. Only it was the tiniest scratch, like the scraping of a fingernail against a thin piece of glass. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and fear. I thought that maybe it was one of those real-life movie situations, where the girl thinks someone is outside but it turned out to be a tree branch hitting the window in the wind that originated from the heavy rainfall that was steadily pouring outside.

The thought that made me stand up from my bed was the most frightening.

There wasn't any tree to scrape against my window. There was no trees in my front yard.

I stood up, my feet seeming to carry me over to the window. This is the part where you hide under your covers instead of do what happens in movies always and run straight to the danger, I thought to myself as I took baby steps to my curtain-clad window. All I had to do was reach out and push the baby blue curtains aside and I would meet my killer that awaits me.

Or tree branch.

I prayed that my mom planted a tree right outside my window while I was asleep just to have it scratch my window at night and sound like a murderer. She would do something like that.

My feet padded up to the curtain, and one of my cold hands fisted the curtain.

There's no turning back now.

How silly I was being, when it was probably a mere night creature or gift of nature that was repeatedly slamming itself against my window for the past five minutes.

I suddenly felt like a weight that wasn't even supposed to be there was lifted from my chest, all my worries disappearing when I thought of it from that perspective. I almost laughed to myself before swinging the curtain open to reveal nothing.

It was nothing, at least, before I saw a tan bony finger tapping on my window.

I thought I was actually going to faint when the person that was accompanied with the hand stepped into view. I saw stars as I stared at the partly short sandy blonde hair, and the brown eyes. The eyes that gave me nightmares and terrors, the eyes that were currently staring into mine so sinisterly. He stared at me with a smirk on his evil features, his whole self portrait now in my view, us only separated by a thin sheet of glass. The sheet of glass that I now wished to be a mile thick so I could be further away from him.

"There's my angel." His voice was familiar and crystal clear through the glass, and that's when I let a pathetic whine rise from the back of my throat. The whine caught in my throat a second later, because he bent over to fiddle with the latch of my window. I backed up until the feet hit my bedpost. I gasped.

Lucas was trying to get into my room.

I wanted to scream, I really did. I wanted to grab my phone and dial 911. I wasn't stupid, I knew what to do. But the thing that stopped me was the fact that I was completely and utterly in shock as I stared into the brown eyes of Lucas as I heard him pop the lock to my window. I felt paralyzed.

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