Chapter 4.

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{Enjoy, I love you. ~T}

"And of course for the square root of seven you-who threw that?"

Silent giggled erupted across the math classroom as my very old math teacher, Mrs. William, plucked the spitball from her red and white ankle-long skirt. She scanned the room for guilty faces as all of us tried to keep our best poker face. Some of us almost busted out laughing. One including me.

It was the second day of school in 2nd period. We continued to tease our old and practically blind-as-a-bat teacher Mrs.William as she tried to teach math that day. Tried was the key word.

No one ever payed attention in math. She always tested us on subjects that were learned in Junior High and sometimes Elementary School. For example, we were currently "learning" square roots when I learned that in 6th grade. Six years ago.

Of course, the class was an easy A, so no one complained.

I glanced at Adison, who currently had her face shoved behind a book so she wouldn't get caught laughing. Obviously she threw the spitball and was just about to get away with it, as usual. Adison wasn't a perfect quiet child, let's leave it at that. None of us liked Mrs. William enough to back her up, that was the sad truth.

She pushed her round glasses up her nose with her pointer finger and grunted before turning around to face the white board once more. Her head of white curly hair had specks of gray in it at the bottom.

"Now, where was I? Yes, the square root of seven." She started on her long speech about elementary school math subjects as I zoned out quickly. I never payed attention in math. Like I said, you didn't really need to.

Adison was my only friend in this class, and she thankfully say directly to the right of me. We talked in this period every single day. It was torture without her.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I glanced up at Mrs. William, who had her back turned to the white board and would probably stay in that position the whole class. I slipped out my phone and hid it inside my book, so when she glanced at me it would seem like I was simply reading. This was a plan everyone used to fool teachers for generations.

I turned off all my notifications in school except for texting, which I left on vibrate, so I knew I had gotten a text. I expected the text to be from Sarah or Hannah, who were currently in other classes. It wasn't from Adison because she had her phone off, so it had to be one of the two.

I was wrong.

New Message from (662)-463-6473:


My eyebrows raised at the unknown number.

To (662)-463-6473:

Who is this?

I waited nervously as the person typed.

New Message from (662)-463-6473:

Harry. ;)

I sighed in relief that it wasn't a killer or something but then realized what was happening.

It was Harry, who suddenly had my number. And just winked at me.

To (662)-463-6473:

How did you get my number?

He responded quickly.

New Message from (662)-463-6473:

From a friend of yours. I think her name was Sira.

I chuckled in my seat, trying to keep quiet so I wouldn't get caught by the teacher. It was easy to figure out who he was talking about.

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