Ch: 09 || Baby.

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"Z-zayn?" I yawned, patting the bed sheets around me for the feeling of his tanned, toned body. He wasn't there. The bed, his side, was empty. The reality hits me and memories of last night came flooding back to me. He had left. He had cowardly run off. He's most probably at some club, pissed drunk, now passed out on some floor.

The bedside table clock read '11:50am' and I shot to my feet straight away, realising I had over slept. in my defence, I hadn't slept properly in months... Nathan must have gone to university by now, so I'm home alone.

I wrapped my wild untamed dark waves into a messy bun at the top of my head and trudged down the stairs, after I had brushed my teeth, in my PJ's which consisted of purple cotton shorts and one of Zayn's black tee-shirts that go up to mid thigh on me--they're extremely comfortable, okay?

I was rather surprised to see Zayn in the living room of Nathan's house on the coach watching TV, actual so causal that it pissed me off. He tilted his head to the side, and saluted his two fingers to me, "hey baby. Did you sleep well?"

"Don't you hey baby me! Where the heck were you last night?! I was worried sick about you! I kept frantically worrying about you and your safety! Nathan was concerned about my behaviour too--I must've freaked the poor guy out. Where the hell were you, Zayn?!" I snapped at him straight away. There was no use in trying to make simple conversation, when I have a major question to ask.

"I was here. I slept on the couch because I thought you would be angry with me, so then you wouldn't want to sleep in the same room as me." he spoke calmly, too calmly if you ask me. It was like he had rehearsed his words many times.

"What? No. You're weren't here-Nathan was looking for you, as was I! You went. Where did you go?!" I pressed on, determined to get to the bottom of this drama.

"I came back, I needed some air so I went for a walk. We have been driving a lot so I thought it would be nice to walk. Is that such a crime? I needed to clear my head, that's all. I don't see what the big problem is, Sophia?" too calm. Far too calm.

Should I let it slid? Or should I just keep pushing and pushing him to the very max, to the point where we're saying stuff we'll regret and snapping each other's head's off.

"Fine." I muttered, turning my back on him and his annoyingly calm and collective behaviour.

"That's it? You're not going to put up a massive argument?" Zayn's tone seemed amused as well as confused. We don't want a continuous cycle of pushing one another to the max. I was honestly sick of that.

"Yes. I'm tired to fighting over small things. If you say you went for walk, then you went for a walk. I should trust you--I should trust you enough to know you wouldn't keep big secrets from me. Oh wait-"

He rolled his hazel eyes at me and scoffed, "-here we go again. Just admit it-you want an argument! That's why you keep brining up the damn subject of her and that damn thing! I don't care about them! I only care about you-"

"-Sure you do. You wouldn't lie if you cared." was all I had to say before he shut his mouth firmly in defeat and I turned on my heel, heading straight for the kitchen.

Wonder what I should have for Brunch?


"Yes. He said he went for a walk. Yes. I guess I do have to believe him. I have to trust him. I losing trust with him though, Nathan. He's getting more guarded everyday. Yes. I understand that, but to be honest he shouldn't be my worry anymore-he should be Caitlin's. I should just clear out the picture. It wouldn't be right for their child. No, no, he still doesn't care. I think soon his heart will melt and he'll care for both of them. I really hope so. Oh okay, have fun in your lecture. Bye." I quickly hung up on Nathan's call to check up on me, and to see if Zayn was home yet.

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