Ch: 48 || Addicted.

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//swear down that guy looks like niall in the gif on the side, niall and sophia's baby dayum\\


My head was throbbing and I couldn't really walk straight, in fact I was having trouble figuring out how to walk. I was back in the hotel room I've been in for God know's how long, but I was all alone, feeling a breeze across my body that spread goosebumps across my skin. I wrapped my arms around myself so I was in a tight ball in the middle of the bed, underneath the soft covers. However I felt a sharp pain as I touched my skin, it felt bruised and damaged. I stroked my arms to see if they felt the same feeling as my neck and shoulders did, but it didn't. Well that's odd. I'm craving liquid to be poured down my throat and I feel like if I wait another second that I die because of dehydration.

I sit up and stretch my arms out and notice that I was actually naked, but some of my body was filled with weird red marks. I examined it with my eyebrows furrowed but really all this concentration just a few minutes after I've woken up; it's just too much for one to handle really.

It's like Monday morning first lesson having Physical Education or worse, MATHS. Why you gonna make people suffer for? Don't you think having to wake up early for school is enough? Hm.

My feet dangle of the large king sized bed that could easily fit four people in, and sighed to myself. Why did I always wake up alone and go to bed alone? Is that the way my life is always going to be? Thanks God, I deserve this.

I stand up and pick up a random shirt from the floor after being chucked off his body from last night and cover myself with it. It ends mid thigh which I'm fine with, at least I have some self respect. My messy waves are cascading my boobs and I make sure they're covering them just in case I see others in this hotel when searching for him. This place is beautiful, honestly but only he could afford to take me to somewhere so wonderful. It's only because he cares so much.

"Baby?" I call out, knowing that he likes that name or at least that's what I think he does. I don't know why that pet name left my mouth; it was like it was an automatic thing. Weird right?

No-one responded so I disobeyed his rules and left the room, and oh wow, there he was.

"Hey baby." I wrap my arms around his neck as he smirks down at me, his cool blue eyes shift towards the stranger behind him for a few seconds before they rake me in his shirt.

"Hello princess. Sleep well?"

I nod my head before commenting, "I would've if you were there next to me. The bed is so empty and cold without you." I pout at him in a cute way that makes him do that sexy chuckle.

"Oh. Well, maybe I should help you warm up?" he suggested casually and the idea excited me in a way that I could not describe. It was then that I fully face the stranger behind my baby. His expression wasn't nice at all. His mouth was in a firm straight line with clear stubble around his chin, honey coloured eyes droopy and tired clearly from lack of sleep, a tense build full of anger and annoyance, and a mass of dark untamed spiky hair. He didn't stop staring at me in his arms, it seemed to infuriate him  by the way I could see his nostrils flaring and fists clenching.

He noticed me staring at the angry stranger in front and chuckled in my ear, pulling me closer to him for no apparent reason. He smelt of beer still meaning he hadn't managed to brush his teeth or do anything since our last time together, his grasp was strong but also tense however. He was clearly on edge.

"Princess meet, well he's not exactly my friend but I guess you could say an old ally, Zayn." this Zayn guy's eyes never left my face as if he was waiting for my reaction to his name or something. My reaction was simple, I just smiled politely and looked up at Niall who was looking down at me with the same curious and anxious expression that Zayn wore.

"Nice to meet you." I tell him still smiling and he finally tears his eyes away from me, veins popping out of his arms and neck as he was clenching his fists so tight you could see the whites in his knuckles. He shook his head repeatedly before eventually running both hands furiously through his thick jet black hair and backing away from us. What a weird ally friend... Is this the response I get? So rude.

"Why is he here?" I speak quietly so that only Niall can hear; Niall's eyes were on Zayn as a smirk was visible on his face for a reason that is unknown to me. There was a clear connection between these two and if only I knew about it, things would make a lot of sense.

"Never you mind your pretty head about that. You must have a headache, I'll go get you some medicine." Niall pressed his lips against my temple and I felt his overly large hand leave my waist, this left me and the rude dude alone now. After a few seconds of silence he finally breaks it by quickly striding over to me and presses his hands on my shoulder, looking me directly in the eyes so I could see that they were slightly golden tinted. Wow?

"Hi?" I breathe out in confusion as to why he's so close to me all of a sudden, and also why my body was reacting this way to him. I felt so responsive to his movements like I was made this way. Why? What's going on?

"Is this an act, is that what you're doing? Or is it some sort of a sick joke, a prank that you and him are playing on me? You can stop now please, please stop. It's actually starting to hurt now. You can stop messing around now Sophia, you have to come home with me now. Please baby, please." Zayn pleaded me with desperation clear in his voice and his eyes that were ever so captivating. If this was a speed dating thing and I had to describe what I liked after sixty seconds of meeting him; his eyes would be number one. (le tears bc the first chapter of do i scare you? guys oh my god). The hold not only tiredness but also pain that seems to be slowly killing him. Pain that's source doesn't seem to be named. I wonder what is hurting him so much to make him this way. I also want to know what drugs. he's taken because he's obviously lost his mind thinking he knows me. Weird guy, wow.

"Honestly, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about but you can come back to talk to me when you've sobered off. Stay off the pills unless you're subscribed to them, alright?" I tell him with a slight humour in my tone. Poor guy. He's far too wasted to even know what he's saying or doing.

"I don't do drugs." he spits out coldly and I raise my hands up in surrender as someone is obviously on their period and I would certainly not want to get on their bad side. No thank you sir.

"Good boy. Your daddy would be very proud of you." I roll my eyes at him, walking away from him so I could lean causally against the door frame of Niall's and my bedroom. Once again Zayn clenches his fists at the word 'daddy' and I notice his teeth are gritting at this as well; gosh control your anger? Crazy.

Zayn starts to pace back and forth in the landing now to let go of his frustrations and that annoyance that he was holding in, he grumbles colourful words that I've heard Niall say many times since I first met him. We met on a plane did you know? We were crash landing actually and he saved my life so I'm forever in his debt. I treat him like he is my saviour and I would do anything for him. It's a true story.

"This is so messed up. I can't believe I let this escalate to this far." I hear Zayn mutter to himself whilst he is pacing, eventually he decides he's better off leaving me alone so he storms off in the direction of the main landing area, but instead when he opens the door he collides with a familiar face. Ah, one of Niall's allies. Lewis! Lewis is followed in by two other people, a cocky looking guy and a slutty girl, both strangers to me. I swear down she better stay away from Niall.

"Louis, hi." Zayn tells Lewis who I guess is actually Louis, (whoops my bad who cares though it's not like he has any importance in my life), their awkward unexpected meeting causing a slight tension to build in the atmosphere as nobody knows where to look or what to do. So damn awkward.

"Did you, er, did you find him then?" Louis questions Zayn with a weary expression on his face and Zayn gives him a stiff nod in return before glancing back at me who is just staring blankly at the pair. What should I even say?

The slutty girl is looking at me and narrows her perfectly shaped brown eyebrows that showed that her was dyed blonde not natural, and she crosses her arms over her already bulging out of her thin exposing shirt, cleavage. She made me feel instantly insecure. The guy next to her wore shades despite being inside and raining outside. His mouth was pursed into a serious expression like he was judging everyone in the room behind those dark lenses. They both stood close to one another and in a way that made me slightly relieved as she wouldn't really be a threat to me if she was taken by the the dude?

"I'm sorry, but do I know you?" the fake blonde questions me and I instantly figure out her accent is American, New York situated to be precise. How did I even figure that out? We will never know.

"I don't think so, why?" I awkwardly reply back to her after she was done scanning me. So she must defiantly not be a threat to me, but instead she is a scare, a scare that she could be checking me out and falling for me. That would be weirdly nice?

"I don't really know. Brandon, doesn't she look familiar to you?" she looks up to her sidekick, who takes his ray-band's off slowly in a dramatic way that you would do in the movies. His own hazelly brown eyes are shifting over me, and I feel very uncomfortable. I look over to Lewis and Zach for support but they are too busy making telepathic communication by just staring at each other.

"Yes." Canadian, Canadian, Canadian oh my, oh my, oh my, accent is so hot, mind is overloading, "what did you say your name was again?"

"Erm. I didn't say my name was anything actually. I didn't state my name at all, so." I play it cool and causal but inside I was actually freaking out wondering why everything was so tense and mysterious like I was part of a trap that I wasn't aware of.

I hear Niall calling my name and that is my que to sprint out the door the three people walked in from towards him. I thought that I would have escaped from all that awkwardness but I was wrong. I feel someone grab my wrist but it wasn't the usual way that Niall would do it. Instead it was a strong and firm grip yet it was not sending sharp shoots of pain across my wrist. The unknown not hurting person doesn't make any sudden movements; or so I thought until they spin me around ever so quickly and soon enough their lips are attached to mines and the warmth of their mouth sent a current running through my body. As their lips were upon mines, I was lost in the feel, the sensation, the electricity that shot through my body; it was only a light pressure but I bet I could feel them as I sleep tonight. They manages to place their hands on the sides of my face to hold me just where they wanted me, and just by the way they are touching me, they are making my mouth open, making me breathe faster and faster until I almost feel dizzy and I think I might black out. Somehow as they are kissing me, I swear to God, the edges of my body is melting and I magically become sort of part of them. It made me feel like I was walking on sunshine full of happiness, unicorns and rainbows. 

No, that isn't even an exaggeration.

My eyes flutter shut before I could manage to figure out who's angel carved lips they belonged to, instead my arms find their way up to the brilliant kisser's neck and my fingers lock into their soft short hair strands. That narrows out the blonde, I guess. Wahey.

"I love you. I love you so much." he tells me chanting it over and over and again in between kisses and I breathlessly find myself doing an automatic response before I can even stop myself, admitting that I love this stranger as well. Don't ask me how or why I did it, I just did and it felt so right. I guess that's all that matters really, don't you think?


I think that fury was an understatement because there was a mix of hardcore jealously, disgust and annoyance when Niall stumbles across Sophia and Zayn making out in the landing area after calling for her multiple times. He thought that his plan was flawless, and would work but little did he know that he may think he know Zayn and his weaknesses... he just doesn't know Sophia the way Zayn does.

Niall believed that Zayn would be the one jealous leading to stupid, irrational decisions which would only be played to Niall's advantage as he would know exactly how to react. He was ever so smart and cunning like that. Niall didn't think that the Sophia part of his plan would be the problem. He thought that because his mind worked solemnly on that addictive substances that was slowly killing out his insides, that it would also work on an innocent person like Sophia. But true love is stronger, I guess that's what we've really learnt here now haven't we?

Sophia may not realise who Zayn really is to her but his kiss, oh and his eyes of course, brings back memories and it would be only in a little time that everything would fall back to place. Niall wasn't going to let that happen as long as he was alive. He would do everything in his power to stop them from being together again, which would make Zayn whole again and much more stronger... maybe even stronger then Niall.  That thought did actually frighten Niall, he was just too proud to admit it. Zayn was scary when he was in 'that mode'. A mode that Niall had seen a few times in his life time and it was something that he really didn't want to witness again, therefore he would try so hard to avoid that dreadful scenario from reoccurring again.

Sophia parted from Zayn breathlessly smiling up at him before resting her head on his chest for support as her lungs were filling up with much needed oxygen after that session.

"Well, well, well. Talk about betrayal." Niall butts in and breaks the romantic moment. Sophia springs further away from Zayn and her cheeks rise with heat from her embarrassed and ashamed blush. She parts her mouth to speak and figure out a lame excuse, but decides against it because it would only make things worse for herself.

So now there's silence.



"The desirables are in Ireland, Mullingar, Palace Waters hotel. Both main ones that you really wanted. Trust me." I hear a voice I didn't expect to hear ever again inform me and I rub my eyes tiredly, as it was now late at night and I was exhausted from an eventful day in Canada. Killing, fighting, arguments, gosh.

"And you're with them right now, are you?" he didn't have to tell me to be honest because I already knew exactly where he was. He can't hide from me; neither can that stupid blondey.
I turned over in my bed and pressed the large oval alarm clock in the centre that was placed on my bedside desk, a new screen showed up with faces and a map of the world. The faces showed just exactly who was in my gang and where they were. Well Aaron was in Canada and if I zoom in I can see he is sleeping next door, bet you anything he's not sleeping but crying which he's been doing for ages now. God, stop being such a baby people die all the time! If you cry about every guy that dies in war you're never gonna win, are you? Becky was in the United Kingdom, London to be exact, on the London Eye. Why the hell is she on the London Eye? Weird. Brandon and Louisa was together in Republic of Ireland.  In a small village town called Mullingar. What was so fascinating anyway about Mullingar, it's lakes? That name rings a bell but I don't understand why so it doesn't really bother me. Then you have Aaron who has left the map because his pulse where his tattoo was over has vanished, so he's vanished on the map. Aw.

"Yeah I am, if all goes to plan Lou and I might come back up to you with them. You can get what you want and then we'll leave." still after leaving the gang he wants to accomplish my mission. That's the sort of confusing guy he is.

Do I regret shooting Danny? Nah. Do I want to now kill Aaron? Nah.
Do I want Louisa back? Nah.
Do I want Becky back? Maybe.
Do I want Brandon back? Yes.

Yes most defiantly yes, I didn't ever expect to watch him leave the doors and never come back to me. He wanted to leave my gang because obviously we weren't that good enough for him.  What really pissed me off was the fact that he was so loyal to me, he was so trustworthy and he was always there when I wanted something. I just feel completely betrayed if anything. Why would he does this?


Karma. It hits me now. This is karma. Basically what comes around goes around. This is because of what I did to my friends, Zayn's gang. This must be the emotions they felt when they found out I turned on them. Actually what they were feeling wad worse because we had all been going through so much in a unit for years, and to be honest I've barely known Brandon and the others for a year. I can't ever fathom what my old friends must've been feeling but I can easily go down the stairs and talk to one of them, who I've been holding as a prisoner. Oh my.

"Okay." I manage to say to Brandon before he hangs up without even saying goodbye. I couldn't actually fall back asleep as my head was filling with thoughts that were confusing my brain. Why the hell were they in Ireland and of all places Mullingar? Was there something special there that I was missing? I decided against going to Aaron because him and me was really not on good terms and I feel like if I see him he might piss me off and cause me to do some extreme thing to him. So I avoided that and headed down the stairs leading to the basement. Where Nathan was.

I could hear his snores from the top of the stairs which sort of relived me that he was still here. Where would he go anyway? I don't know why it worried me.

"Nathan." I said when I made it to the large cage like thing with cold metal bars all around it. The house came with this thing, it used to be a slave house did you know? He didn't respond, instead continued to make those awful noises from his mucus blocked nose. He only snores when he's been crying himself to sleep.

"Nathan wake up." I said in a louder tone now, getting slightly impatient because when I try and wake Danny up he's up in a heartbeat. Then I remember despite Danny and Nathan almost being similar, Danny is now dead and I wouldn't have it in me to murder one of my old friends despite how much I despised them at the time.

"NATHAN, FOR GOD'S SAKE; GET THE HELL UP." my voice ringed throughout the whole dark room that was lite by only one lantern at the side of the cell.

Nathan heard this which was good because else I would have opened his cell door and shook him till he was awake and then I wouldn't stop them, I would've shook him so hard that it would shake the life out of him with my inhumanely strength. "what?" he yawned rubbing both eyes with the edge of his fists. He had been sleeping on the uncomfortable cold and very dirty floor and I feel slightly guilty that I'm treating him this way when he's nothing but innocent. He's never done anything wrong in his whole life; maybe falling for that stupid Nikki chic when we all advised him not to but oh well, that's it really.

"Mullingar, what the hell is so important in Mullingar?!" I demanded to him before he could even manage to find the strength to sit up against the wall. He blinks a few times and narrows his eyes at me in confusion.

"I dunno really." he said in his groggy morning voice, meaning his brain hadn't fully woken up yet. Urgh, c'mon Nathan's brain I need you right now. Hurry up!!

"Well THINK."

"Why don't you think, I thought I was to thick and worthless to do anything right with my life?!" Nathan snapped back at me, his words were basically my words to him and it was then that I almost felt slight remorse about our past relationship. He didn't deserve those words, I just so horrible for no logical reason. A bully, urgh.

"Don't remind me about that, just tell me what is so important about Mullingar in Ireland, hurry up!" I pinched the bridge of my nose to tame my frustrations but instead he did nothing to change his stubborn attitude.

"No. What if I don't want to tell you, you'll kill me won't you?"

I slammed my fists that were tightly clenched into balls against the hard metal bars, feeling a surge of pain go up my arm. I don't understand how Zayn can go around punching walls and not show any signs of pain on his face. He was a strong leader. Something that I wish I could be.

But frankly that'll never happen.

Nathan watched me silently, his eyes studying my face as my other hand gripped around my fist as the pain was getting too strong, a smirk was lifting across his lips. I don't blame him for doing that reaction. I would be doing the same if someone was trying to act like someone they're not. That was me. I was trying to act more dominant then I was.

I need to step down, I just don't know how. I need to find a way to befriend my old friends back no matter how unforgiving they would be towards me. I don't blame them. I would be the same. I wouldn't forgive someone who had once deceived me.

"Mullingar is a small town in the Republic of Ireland with it's main tourist attractions of three lakes named Lough Owel, Lough Lene and Lough Ennell and also for Belevedere House and Gardens which is heavily promoted for it's beauty. However, the reason why it sticks into our minds is because that's where Niall Horan was born and raised in before he went insane and went to the dark side." Nathan spoke in a soft hushed tone after he saw me calming down. I knew he knew. He was intelligent and absorbs new pieces of information like he was a sponge. I had no idea how he knew that amount of information about a town that was completely irreverent in our lives, but he just knew it. I always underestimated him. I should've never treated him the crappy way I did. I regret that more then anything really. The poor guy.

I thought hard about my next few words, dwelling over it was the right decision and if he could turn on me and run away when I set him free, or would he be loyal? Life is about taking risks so that is how I thought about my decision.

"How would you like to go on a road trip with me to Ireland, Nathan Sykes?"


In Bradford they were eight hours ahead in time so as it was around 12:30am in Vancouver, it was 8:30am in the morning there. Ireland would also be the same timezone but enough of about Ireland, why is everyone so desperate to go to Ireland? If Nikki knew where Harry was, she most defiantly be going to Ireland, as would Joanna, Patricia and Lucy if they knew where their children were. However, the truly have no idea what was going on in that town which actually means left-handed mill did you know? It was like a massive party waiting to happen or maybe a war would be a better way to describe it. A war that would wipe one side out for good, but which side would it be? Is there even sides or is every man/woman for themselves? Months ago back at that Dinner Diner we were all expecting a fight as Zayn's superior 'dangerous' and very much feared by the whole neighbourhood gang met with Niall Horan. Would the fight we were patiently waiting for finally occur?

"Yaser, I blame you for all this. I blame you for all the pain you made my son feel, I blame you for the pain that I'm feeling as well. Why did you have to go to the bad side? Right now we could've been together raising a family that aren't mentally broken and damaged. Instead I wasn't enough for you. You thought you needed more excitement in your life. You went to that stupid idiotic selfish bastard of a boy. What was even worse Yaser, he was practically a child yet you listened to him... WORSHIPED HIM. He led you astray and made you think that Zayn and I were not worth your time anymore. He made you angry, he made you feel agony and distress that we now suffer the same as you now. He ruined all of our lives and I just, I just can't forgive you for being so gullible. Everything would've been okay for everyone if it wasn't for him, don't you think? Oh Yaser. I love you." Patricia knelt to the ground with her head rested on her husband's tombstone. The cold air was singing around her, silence eating her surroundings, leaving the sigh of her loneliness shooting air out of her mouth with each breathe that she was exhaling slowly. The moment she felt a tickle upon her pale dry cheeks, she rose one of her fingers and spotted the target that was dripping slowl. Her eyes were screaming for justice with each translucent flow of emotions. As yet another single drop of grief welled up from the corner of her eye and suddenly, the dam broke. Hot torrents of grief coursed down her face, her racking sobs lost in the high winds that tore at her long flowing hair and clothes.

Patricia was alone in the graveyard but could almost hear the faint sounds of weeping even through ground, the sound of shrieking, overwhelming sadness that led to depression. Around her husband's tombstone was names craved into the grey cobbled brick of the souls who once lived, all once like Yaser who were brutally murdered, they were only innocent lives. Innocent lives that were taken away in a blink of an eye by selfish sick cruel and cold hearted people who live in the desire to get a pleasure in taking away lives. They were nothing but monsters, so cold like the icy wrath's of insanity-ridden chains, all as merciless and ruthless as Death itself.

In my opinion all of our lives the fight goes on between the two forces, Good and Evil, and one of them must always conquer. It's a constant struggle as to which one will win. And one cannot exist without the other. It was like Niall and Zayn's relationship. For one to live happily in this cruel world, the other must disappear for good. It was the way that God intended it to be. Whether it meant disappearing from the other's life as in moving to another country, or disappearing as in burning in hell because of their sins, we don't know exactly. Only time will tell.

Niall, who's eyes which though they were usually cold piercing blue, were now blood shoot red, flashing and closing into slits, holding fire from his anger towards the love-struck fool.  Niall's pale coloured nostrils were flaring, thin red lips were mouth quivering and almost drooling as he was slurring words that were once unintelligible but then suddenly came spewing into space like a volcano releasing its pent up emotions into the darkness. 

His hands were tightly closed into fists and he crouched forward, daring him to repeat what he had just witnessed between the two lovers. He didn't feel much expect betrayal and hurt as he believed that Sophia wouldn't have easily gone back to Zayn. He thought he had a mastermind and everything would fall into place because he had come up with such a brilliantly created plan. He was wrong though, so wrong. He let go of those bubbling emotions with a right uppercut to the head that sent Zayn flying from one side of the room to the other at what seemed like the speed of light. His body made contact with the opposite wall and he slid to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

In an ideal universe that would be the end of it. There would be no more fights, Niall would win and have Sophia back to himself, but of course...

We're talking about Zayn Malik here.

[sorry about the wait but would you rather have quicker updates in shorter chapters, or a longer detailed chapter which consumes more time to write?:)]

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