Ch: 10 || Irresistible.

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"Hey you." Louisa's beauty stuns everyone around us, apart from me. To me she is still a slut, and despite her stunning looks and flawless body, she is who she is. She is the type of girl I would go for. I have slept with her before, it will never be nothing more then a fling--we both know it.

"Hey." I greeted her with a hug then placed my black Ray Bands over my eyes, because I like to be different from the shabby people around me. I know I'm rich. I like to flaunt it--is that a crime?

"Welcome to London. The home of the Queen and bad weather." Louisa puts on her best British accent which was quite a fail as she's American, and it just sounds stupid.

"Yeah, clearly." my gaze flickers to outside the café windows where the rain is pouring more then it does in Canada. I'm originally from Canada, but I really do enjoy travelling the world--business style.

"What brings you here anyway? George sent you to babysit or something?" she raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me curiously.

"Yes and no. He did want me to be near you, seeing as we can help one another, but I also have a mission to do." I informed her and she nodded, smirking alongside me.

She would help me and together, we could be irresistible.


I was on my way to the gates of the university building as last period was over and it was time to go home, when my mobile began to ring. I had currently been praying that Sophia and Zayn hadn't been arguing so that my house wouldn't be in shreds when I return. Zayn and his temper.

"Nathan speaking." I spoke into the small device while walking over to my red Ford. Sure it wasn't a good sleek car, but it was reliable and affordable which is all that matters to me.

"Hi Nath. You okay? How is university going-have you settled in well?" the Nottingham accent speaks through the speakers and I smile to myself, because I haven't heard Jay's voice in a while now.

"Jay! Hey. I'm good thanks, and yourself? Uni is amazing-it's exactly what I dreamed of to be, maybe even better! I couldn't believe I even got a place in there. People around me are so talented, it's unbelievable." I found myself blubbering on and on about my life story--so clearly he wasn't listening to me... oh well.

He chuckled on the other side of the line, "I'm glad you're having fun. I called you to say Harry and Nikki have been bailed out of jail. Patricia called Siva just this morning."

"So she went and did it, did she? I didn't think she would... then again-"

"-of course she would. She loves that boy-we all know that." Jay sighed on the phone and I knew exactly what he was thinking. Everything is messed and up and everything will be even more messed up when Zayn finds out. The guy already has enough issues on his plate.

"You mentioned Nikki... How is she?" I nervously questioned him, because the subject of her shatters whatever remains of the heart she stole.

"I'm sure she's fine. She's dating Harry now... everything seems to be fine. I'm sorry Nathan. I'm sorry for everything." Jay hesitantly told me the details of the girl I was trying so hard to get over.

I missed her like crazy and if it wasn't for the plan, then we could've been together. However, Tom insisted she couldn't come with us. She was too much to weight to carry on our shoulders. She was a burden. She would be better with Harry, that's what he told me.

The plan was to stay as much as away from her, and let her be heartbroken by me so she can move onto someone who can treat her much better then I can. If Harry Styles is that guy, then so be it. As long as she is happy, so am I. Not. Of course I want her to be mines! I would never cheat on her or call her names. I love her-I love her so much!

"Okay... That's... cool? How are you and Seev?" I quickly changed the subject before my heart would start to ache for that petite beautiful girl.

"Yeah, we're okay. Siva is sleeping right now. We're thinking of moving to Ireland or something... go back to his old house and stuff. Nottingham didn't hold much good memories, to be honest. My God parents didn't even recognize me." his tone was soft and I could hear the hints of hurt and sadness in it. I didn't know how to comfort him because both my parents are dead and I was incredibly close to my mother...

"I'm sorry to hear that, mate... You have all the family you need with the gang, though. We're all here for one another, like frat brothers."

I could feel him smile as he talked now, "you're right. Of course you're right. I haven't seen Tom, Zayn or even Max in a while though... I wonder where they are."

"Oh. Zayn and Sophia are staying for me for a bit, before they continue on their journey. Tom... I'm not sure? After leaving Bradford I didn't keep in contact with him, Max or Siva. Only you and Zayn. Max... I'm not sure where the heck he is. Didn't he stay with Tom?"

Jay's tone was now thoughtful as he talked, "Hmm... no. Tom stayed a day or two with Siva and I, then he left. Max was gone as soon as the fire broke out. He didn't say where to or why he was going. He just went. Bit fishy, eh?"

"Yeah. Yeah it is." why would he leave? Why would he leave so suddenly for? And where could he have headed to? We all had a plan to leave in groups, to keep one another protected... I guess I had my innocence and education to protect me. They wanted me to go and continue my studies as I had once planned before the gang, and get a future that I had always dreamed of.

"Anyways mate, I'm going to hit the sack. Had a tiring day today. Blame Siva and his excessive cleaning." I heard Jay's dramatic sigh and I smiled.

"Okay, have a good sleep--at 4:30pm in the afternoon!" I laughed as I heard a snore on the other line, before I hung up.

I climbed into my lovely Ford, thinking about the gang as I drove home. Were we ever going to be together again? No... No, I don't think so. If we ever meet again, we'll be a massive target to the police. We're criminals. Which one of us killed Niall?

Did someone want to kill him? Heck, all of us did! He was horrible to each one of us. We all have our reasons for wanting the Blonde Irish dead... but would any of us be that ruthless and do it?

I wish I knew the answer.

{{Hi! Omg, all the votes on the last chapter? I came back on wattpad after a few days and was like waaaaat? Thanks so much! And I'm getting more readers on this story and I can't be more happier right now! Keep promoting, voting, commenting asdghjkl love you all-Tanisha .xox}}

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