Vacation time.

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I heard the door knob moving and I looked right in time to see all three of them get covered in slime. It was like in slow motion.

I watched the bucket fall over their heads. I got up from the bed and so did Lexie. We started cracking up; when we looked at them they had the look that said, run unless you want to die today.

Well dying is not in our plan book today. The guys lunged at us and we took this as our chance to get the fuck out of that room. We ran through the door. We both almost got caught in the door, but we slipped through.

I ran down the stairs because the guys were close and I knew we wouldn't have time to get to my room and close the door.

"This way." Lexie said and ran towards the back door.

She slid open the glass door and we ran outside.

I looked around and saw that the only way out of my yard was the fence that was next to the door the guys were now coming out of. I turned and Lexie was like 10 feet away from me. I saw her running towards the fence. I ran down to the fence too, I jumped the fence and Lexie and I landed at the same time.

"Your house." I said.

When we jumped the fence we ended up in her back yard.

We ran towards her house, we were like 5 feet away from the door when someone tackled me. Lexie must have heard it and ran in the direction of my back yard and disappeared. Alex was right behind her though. Zander was watching us so that meant Austin had me. He had me pinned down so I was lying on my stomach and he was on top of me.

Smart boy though, now I can't hit him.

"Did you put the bucket on top of the door?" he asked.

"No." I replied.

"I know you did." he said.

"Then why did you ask me if you knew the answer dumb ass?" I asked.

"I really don't know." he said seriously, I rolled my eyes.

"Are you going to let me up?" I asked nicely.

"You know I was starting to like this position." He said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"If you don't let me up you will lose your balls." I said, threatening him.

I could feel him cringe, I smirked to myself. He got off of me and helped me up; I went to go find Lexie because by now she is probably burying Alex's body in my back yard.

I found her trying to smash Alex's face into the ground.

"I'm sorry!" he yelled trying to get up, but she wouldn't budge.

"Lexie let him up." I said

She looked up at me and sighed dramatically and let him up.

"You always have to ruin my fun!" She whined and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well I don't want you killing him, which would mean no more tormenting him."

Alex looked relieved and terrified. He opened his mouth to say something, but Zander came out of the house interrupting him.

"Go pack your bags! Mom said we can go to our beach house! Meet me in the car when you are done." He said to us excitedly.

Me and Lexie squealed and ran to go get ready.

We ran to my house first, I grabbed some clothes and changed my clothes. I put on a navy blue bikini that had white Hollister birds on it. I slipped on some yoga shorts and a red tank top over my bikini. I pack some more bikinis and outfits. I grabbed everything I needed like chargers, make up, computer, everything.

After I was done we headed over to Lexie's house. Lexie changed in to a pink bikini with Hollister birds on it. She put on white jean shorts and a neon orange tank top over her bikini.

After she packed all of the things she needed we walked out to Zander's car and waited for Austin and Alex to come back.

When they finally arrived we took off to our beach house in Tallahassee, Florida. We are going by ourselves because we usually do this.

Mine and Lexie's parents vacation somewhere together all of the time, this time they are in Ireland.

During the entire time it took to get there Lexie and I fell asleep at one time. Austin and Alex drew mustaches, beards, and unibrows on our faces with permanent marker.

When we first saw what they did I was closest to Austin so I turned to him, I was about to punch him where the sun don't shine until I heard a scream. My head snapped in Lexie's direction and my mouth hit the ground, she had Alex half way out of the window.

"Lexie no, you can't do that!" I yelled over Alex's screams.

"Why not!?" she yelled back, as Alex's screams got louder.

"If you don't shut up I will push you myself!" I yelled to Alex.

He stopped screaming instantly and I smiled to myself, should have done that earlier.

"Lexie remember, killing him means no messing with him." I said.

She stomped her foot and pulled him back in. She pouted, and crossed her arms.

"You never let me have fun." She mumbled.

I shook my head and sat back hoping we were almost there, before she kills him.

It took 5 hours to get there all together; I don't know how long we have been driving. Lexie and I spent like 20 minutes scrubbing off the marker.

We finally pulled up to our beach house; I jumped out of the car as soon as Zander stopped the car. That was not a fun ride.

We all grabbed our bags and headed inside. Lexie and I went to our rooms while Zander showed Austin and Alex to their rooms. We have 6 bedrooms in the house and a bathroom in each bedroom.

Lexie, Zander and I had our own rooms and they were decorated the way we wanted. We come here every year and have since we were like 4 years old.

We all decided to go unpack then go to the beach. I unpacked all of my clothes and put all of my bathroom crap in the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and realized I really needed a tan; I couldn't wait to go down to the beach and get a tan.

I looked through my ear rings and found one of mine and Lexie's friendship navel rings. I texted her and told her to wear hers. Mine said "Best" on the top and had the word "Sisters" hanging down, with half a heart. Hers said "Friends" on the top and had "Sisters" hanging down from it, with half a heart. Together it said "Best Friends" and "Sisters". We bought them together and we wear them every time we go swimming or anything. I changed it and finished unpacking.

I went downstairs and all three boys were waiting for me and Lexie. About a minute after me, she comes down the stairs. We all walked down to the beach.

on the way Lexie turns to me and pulled her shirt over her navel showing me she put it in. I did the same thing and she high-fived me.

When we got to the beach we laid our towels out, there were only about 12 other teens here. So it was pretty empty, just the way we like it.

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