Hide & Seek!

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"This is not fun!" I hissed at Zander as I tripped for the hundredth time.

I was unfortunately on the seeking team with him, Alex, and Chrisy; one of Brittney's idiotic friends.

"Well if you looked where you were going." Chrisy said.

"That would be easier if I could, oh I don't know, actually see where I was going!" I snapped.

Zander and Alex both had flashlights, but they were shining them in places people could be hiding.

"We should split up." Alex said.

Zander agreed and I went with Alex while Chrisy went with Zander.

Alex and I headed in the opposite direction and I tried to listen for noises from the people hiding. Alex led me down the beach to the bathrooms and motioned for me to go in first. I pushed open the door and heard complete silence, too silent. Someone was definitly hiding in here. Alex went to the first stall and pushed the door in. It was empty so he went to the next one which was also empty. He went to the last one and pushed it in.

"Booo!" I heard a guy yell and Alex backed up, shocked.

The guy ran past us and out of the door. When he ran past I could tell the it was Manny. Alex recovered and ran out of the bathroom after Manny. Yay just what I want to do, run around in the dark trying to catch somebody.

I ran after them barely able to make them out, but I could see the light from the flashlight. Somehow I got ahead of Alex and almost close enough to Manny. I sped up a little and grabbed the back of his shirt, making us both fall on the ground. Alex almost fell right over us when he got to us.

"Sorry I can't see." He apologized.

"Alex you are the one with the flashlight how can you not see?" I asked.

I could see him shrug his shoulders. Manny moved and I focused my attention back on him.

"Not that I don't like this position, but there is sand going up my shorts."

When he said that I finally noticed that I was laying on top of him. I hurriedly scrambled off of him and stood up.

"I mean any other time I would be ecstatic, but..." He trailed off and I heard a thumping noise followed by a groan.

I was going to take a wild guess and say Alex had hit him or something.

"You're out." Alex informed Manny.

Alex grabbed on to my arm and dragged me off in the opposite direction.


Yeah the game was fun until I heard Zander and Chrisy headed right in my direction. I started slowly creeping backwards so that they didn't hear me. Once I was far enough I turned and started running. I got close to 2 shacks that were close together and stopped running. I quietly walked past it when an hand grabbed me and pulled me into the smallish space between them. Even though it was dark I could tell it was Austin.

"Why did you do that? I could have had a heart attack!" I hissed.

"Accident." He replied nonchalantly.

"Haha." I said humorlessly.

"You are no fun!" He whined.

"Why did you grab me?" I ask.

"You were walking around and I can see Alex and Lexie coming this way." He said and I poke my head out to look.

I could see the flashlight shining around and could see their stilettos coming closer to where we were. Austin pulled me out of the other side. He pulled me down the beach and into the bathrooms.

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