So I'm psychic...

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       *NICOLE”S POV*

“Let’s go down to the beach.” I suggest.

“Lexie and Alex aren’t back.” Austin replied.

“That’s exactly why we go. They’ve been gone almost an hour, by now Lexie caught Alex and she’s trying to drown him.” I said and everyone agreed.

I took like 5 minutes for all of us to change. We headed down to the beach and after a few minutes of people staring at the clowns I was with, we finally spotted them.

“So I’m psychic…” I said taking in the scene.

They were a ways into the water and Lexie was holding on to Alex, repeatedly pushing his head under the water.

“Should we go help him?” Austin asked, but made no move to go out there.

“No, maybe this is good for them. They can work things out.” I said watching them.

We all decided to sit there and wait for them to stop fighting. Honestly I should have recorded it because it was the most entertaining thing. Lexie trying to drown Alex and him trying to fight her off while screaming like a little girl. After a while he was able to push Lexie far enough away so that he could get away. He took that chance and high tailed it out of the water with her coming after him.

“Save me!” He screamed and ran towards us like a maniac.

I laughed and looked around. There were people standing around watching them. Alex was running straight towards Austin and didn’t look like he had intentions on stopping. Since I was sitting right next to him I know that if Alex hit Austin, he would hit me too.

I moved over so there was a big space between us and watched as Alex got closer. He was a few feet away when Austin noticed that he wasn’t going to go around and stood up. Once he stood up Alex ran right into him, taking him back to the ground. They both groaned as they hit the ground with a thud.

Lexie stopped next to them, making sure that Alex didn’t get away. Austin stood up and shook the sand off of him while Lexie sat on top of Alex. Surprisingly he just laid there and didn’t try to fight her, probably exhausted from her drowning him. I felt something dripping on my leg and looked up to see Austin standing there.

“You’re wet.” I informed him.

“And you aren’t.” He said with a glint in his eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at him and opened my moth to say something. I didn’t get to because Austin picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

“Austin!” I screamed.

He didn’t say anything, but I could tell that he was laughing by the way his body was shaking.

“Austin let me go!” I yelled.

He ignored and tightened his grip on me so that I couldn’t get away. I didn’t even have to see anything to know he was walking towards the water.

“Austin!” I screamed again, he only laughs.

“I love how you scream my name babe.” He said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I punched his back a few times before giving up. He got to the water and kept walking farther into it. When he stopped the water was up to the middle of his back and my hair was in the water.

“Ready?” He asked.

“No!” I said and hit his back again.

“Too bad.” He said and threw me into the water.

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