Party arrangements & a movie night.

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    When we pulled up to the party store all three of the boys practically jumped out of the car and ran into the store. Lexie and I walked into the store and found them. We decided to just; see, like, grab, shop. So we went down the aisles just grabbing things we liked and put it in the cart. 

When we went up to the register with 4 shopping carts full of stuff I saw the cashier’s eyes widen.

After she rang everything up I used my card and we went to the grocery store for food and drinks.

By the time we actually headed home it was around 6 pm. We all decided that we were going to have the party at 8 pm tomorrow. We texted everyone we knew down here and told them to bring people too.

We all had to get up early to start setting up and we got the DJ to come and set up around 4. So we didn’t have to do it tomorrow we put everything that could be broken away and locked all of the doors that we weren’t going to use again. We would lock all of our rooms up tomorrow.

After all of that we made dinner and decided to have a movie night.

We sat on the couch and it went like this, Zander, Alex, Lexie, Me, and then Austin. I tried to make them let me sit by Zander but no! They wouldn’t let me, it was mainly Lexie though. I think it had something to do with our prank war.

We were watching a scary movie, The Ring to be exact and she knows just how much I hate scary movies. I get scared easily, but so does she. She may have a plan but so do I.


    I made Nicole sit next to Austin; I thought that maybe she would like to get closer to him. I am planning to scare her during a suspenseful part of the movie. My hope is that when I scare her she will jump onto Austin’s lap, payback for making me fall on top of him. I know I made her jump on to Alex’s lap but this will be even better than that. Maybe if I am lucky enough she will get scared enough and will jump on to his lap without me having to do anything.

We started watching the movie and about 40 minutes into it Nicole got up, saying that she had to use the bathroom. She walked around the couch and went up stairs and I went back to watching the movie.

      NICOLE’S POV   

 I got up and said that I had to use the bathroom; it was actually time to put my plan into action.

After about a minute I crept down the stairs careful not to make any noise. Since the couch was facing the other direction I could walk up behind it without her seeing me.

Once I got close to the couch I got down on the ground and crawled to the front where everyone’s legs were. I bumped into Austin’s leg; he looked down at me then right back at the screen.

Before the movie started I told him about the prank war and about the prank because I knew I would end up bumping into his leg. I moved my body all as close to the couch as I could get so she wouldn’t see me and counted down from 10. When I got to 0 I yanked on her leg. She screamed so loud that you would have thought she was getting murdered.

She jumped on to Alex’s lap and I just lay on the ground, laughing. I was laughing so hard that I was crying and my stomach hurt.

“That scared the crap out of me, I will get you back!” She said angrily and got off of Alex’s lap.

“Oh, I will be waiting.” I replied once I stopped laughing.

I got off of the ground and sat down on the other side of Austin this time. We finished that movie and put another one in. We put in My Sister’s Keeper, The Vow, Twilight (Courtesy of Lexie and I) and now we are watching 21 Jump Street.

Lexie, Alex, and Austin were laying on the ground because Zander kicked all of us off of the couch so he could lay down on it.

I didn’t want to sit on the floor so now I was sitting on the top of the couch with my feet rested on Zander’s side.

I started to notice that on almost every funny part Lexie would lean into Austin, making sure she touched him. It looks like she lied to me when she told me she didn’t like him the other day. The day we came back from the beach I asked her if she liked Austin or Alex and she said no.

‘Okay, if the answer is really no then why are you flirting with him?’ I thought to myself.

I can see why though, he is talented, sweet, and sexy. WAIT! What? What am I thinking; I shouldn’t be saying he’s any of those things. I shouldn’t care if Lexie is flirting with him either. I don’t like Austin! I mean, I don’t think I like him?  

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