Mysterious call.

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Lexie’s POV

  It got dark after a while so we all just sat on the beach talking and looking out over the water.

It was actually relaxing sitting out there with everyone; I looked out at the water and started thinking. Alex and Austin are definitely not what I expected, they can both be annoying at times but they can be nice and funny. Austin is really not what I expected, I expected him to be sort of stuck up. I kind of thought he would act like he was too good for everyone but he is actually just like a normal teenager. Except for the fans and fame of course.

It was around 1 am when we headed inside. I went to Nicole’s room since we both weren’t tired. We talked and watched a movie.

I headed to my room around 4; I decided to go get something to drink first so I went down stairs. I passed the living room on my way to the kitchen and heard whispering coming from the living room, I backed up and peeked in. Austin was pacing around and talking on the phone. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time it was 4:23.  

‘Why is he talking on the phone at this time?’ I thought to myself.

“Of course, I am getting close to both of them.” I heard Austin whisper.

There was a pause, probably listening to the reply. I could see him rub his hand over his face and he sighed.

“Listen, you told me what to do and I’m going to do it okay? Just trust me.”

“Bye.” He said and then there was silence.

I hurried and silently ran up the stairs and to my room so he wouldn’t know that I was there. I made it to my room and I quietly shut my door and got into bed. I fell asleep wondering what 2 people he was talking about.

  When I got up I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I got out I put on some sweats and a t shirt. I went down stairs and I found Nicole on the couch watching Scooby-Doo and I rolled my eyes, I thought she was the mature one out of us two.

“How long have you been up?” I asked.

“Maybe 15-20 minutes.” She said not taking her eyes off the screen.

“Is anyone else up?” I asked.

She looked away from the TV and look at me. She gave me a ‘really?’ look.

“It’s 8 in the morning; do you expect those guys to be up before 12?” She asked.

“Let’s make sure that they do.” I said and smirked.

She got an evil glint in her eyes and smirked too.


“Let’s get Zander first.” I said.

We went to Zander’s room with water guns filled with ice cold water.

“1, 2, 3.” I counted.

Nicole pulled his blanket off and we drenched him in ice cold water. His eyes shot open.

“What the heck!” He yelled.

“Wake up.” Nicole said.

We ran out of his room and down to the next one’s. Alex was our next victim and we were going to get him with pillows.

“1, 2, 3.” I counted again.

We both started hitting him with pillows.

“What the...” He said and rolled off the bed.

We ran out of his room and headed to our last victim of the morning, Austin. We walked into his room and over to his bed.

“1, 2, 3.” Nicole said.

We both jumped on his bed and started bouncing on it. He started to open his eyes. He opened them all the way and stretched, making the blanket go down past his waist.

“Well, this is an amazing way to wake up.” He said smirking.

“Mhm.” I heard Nicole mutter.

I looked at her and she was staring at his body, he only had boxers on when both the other guys had sweat pants. I leaned over and hit her arm; she snapped out of it and looked at me.

She smiled and leaned over and grabbed my arm. I was confused until she yanked my arm towards her, making me fall on to a half naked Austin.

“But I like this a lot better.” I heard Austin say.

I could feel my face going red and I heard Nicole laughing. I got up and walked around the bed.

“Let’s go watch TV.” I said innocently.

I grabbed her arm and dragged her into the living room.

Alex was sitting on the couch and Zander was in the kitchen.

I pushed her down so she was sitting next to Alex and I sat on the other side of her. She looked confused because she expected me to do something back but I was going to make her let her guard down first.

About half an hour later she was focused on the TV, so I suddenly shoved her and she fell on to Alex’s lap. She jumped off of his lap and glared at me with an evil/playful glint in her eyes.

“You have just declared war, girly.” She said.

“War it is then, chica.” I replied.

It looks like it is time for our prank war. I looked at Alex, he was smirking at Nicole and she was glaring at him.

“You can come and sit on my lap anytime.” He said, patting his lap and she glared even more.

“Shut it Alex!”  She snapped.

He put his hands up and looked away.

Austin came down and we all made breakfast together and sat down and ate.

When we were done eating we had to clean the kitchen because half of breakfast was on the counters and floor. After a while of relaxing and watching TV we all decided we wanted to throw a party. We have friends out here and you could ask any of them, we were known for our outrageous parties.

We all headed our own ways to get ready so we could go shopping. I went and changed into black shorts and a teal tank top; I tied my hair up and put on some make-up.

When I was done I went down stairs and waited for everyone else. Once we were all done we piled into the car and took off.

On the way there I started thinking about Austin’s mysterious phone call last night. I decided I wouldn’t say anything to anyone else unless it happened again.

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