Chapter 29

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I woke up in a test lab looking place. Turns out it was a cell for a prison but it had hospital beds and things in it. I was cuffed to a bed. "Well. Well. Well. Look who's finally up." I creepy voice sounded. "I'm Doctor lilac and you are in a prison. It's where we are holding"safe place" and you are here. It's hard to explain but we are going to put you in with others." Creepy lady said. She un-cuffed me and walked me into a cafeteria where everyone was setting at. They all had matching pajamas on, blue and black for men and pink night gowns for women. I was wearing a PINK NIGHT GOWN to?! OMG! I'm a prisoner. Help!
     The doctor set me at a table that some guy was. I just sat there. " new here?" The guy asked. I looked at him blankly. All I wanted was my family again. "Look. It's not my fault your here. You'll be here a while so ya might wanna make it worth the time and talk, make friends." He says.  "No answer? I'm Johny. Johny Allen . You are?" JA says. I think JA suits him. " wait.... Johny?" I say. "Yeah... Why?" JA ask. " We were in college together." I say. He gasp. "Alex?" JA questions. "Yeah." I say. "No way. You realize that were in Texas now and not California?" JA says "huh?" I  say. "Yeah" JA says. "Okay?" I say not even caring any more. "Soooo what's been happening?" JA ask. "Long story." I say. "Well I think we will have to go soon. This is a place for repopulate btw." JA says. " what the." I say. "Only for certain people though. Like me, I now have a son. Named Chris. Don't worry bought it though" JA says. "Johny Allen. Time to go back to your dorm" a man calls. Dorm my butt it's more a cell. "Bye" JA says. "Bye" i say. After 371 names were called "Alex" the man called. I walked up. "You will be in cel-dorm number 372. Rules are under your mattress." He said. I slowly nodded and slowly walked down the hall. I finally found 372 after 2 hours of looking. I made a wrong turn. I walked in and it had a freshly made bed, hardwood, a closet with different color night gowns that each had a day of the week on it. This place is getting freakier by the minute. They have cameras in here to. Great now they can watch me sleep. They have one window on the door and one leading outside that has bars around it.  Then I turn around and I see a twin sized bed. No. I see two twin sized bed, one on one side of the room and one on the other. It's only me in here though, might get lonely. 
    I couldn't sleep so I just walked around the room. I miss my "family". I want to know what happened to everyone. I hope they are alright. What if there dead. The thought of that makes me sick. Finally I drift away into sleep. Dreaming of daisies and love but then they all get destroyed by evil and die blood oozing out of them and so I finally wake up.
   I wake up all sweaty and cold. They only had a small blanket on the bed. I get up and walk around and what seems to be 6 hours: "372 wake up. 372 wake up for breakfast!". The man came to my door and unlocked it. He handcuffed me and walked me down a hallway. When we went in it had tattoo machines. "Time for you to get your number" the man said. "Wait wait what?! No!" I say but I was held down by the men. All you could here was my torturous screams. The men finally let me go and looked at my arm. It said "372ZS" on it in black letters. "What does ZS mean?well it mean Z virus survivor" the man said smirkily. "I hate you!" I screamed. "Take her to the cafeteria"the man told another. I was being hauled away to the cafeteria and thrown in their.
    "Food!come get food!" A lady yelled from behind the counter. "What can I get for you,372?" The lady asked. "Uh, 3 pancakes, 4 pieces of bacon, a banana and 1 coffee with a small water. Also some syrup." I say. "Can do " the lady said. She handed me the tray and I went down, got butter, then they scanned my arm and told me I was good to eat.
     I sat in my usual place, next Johny  AKA JA. I ate in silence, he sat there staring at me. Then he looked at my number. It was red. It hurt to.
"372? I got 079" JA said. I looked at him like he was stupid. "I want to get out of here, leave, how? I can't take it." I say. "Leave?! You can't leave this place. It's impossible. But if you find a way, I'm in." JA said. I again just stare at him. I remember when I stared at him all the time in college. I once bumped into him and all mine and his things fell and we nocked heads trying to get them off the floor but he kissed me when we came back up. We were awkward kids. I miss them times. I was shy. But I was ok with that. But now all I want is my "family". I can't call this place home. Not in a million years would I ever. I know no one here but Johny AKA JA. I can't even sleep in this place. They have cameras watching you 24/7 even when you sleep, yes. It's cold in the rooms and I like being warm. I at least need another blanket and socks. Maybe even a hoodie. We at least need better clothes. Warmer clothes. "Earth to Alex" JA said. "Oh I'm here!" I said. "Good" JA said.

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