Chater 26

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As I wake up, I wake up to screaming. I slowly get up and see Lucas missing. I wake up to the smell of smoke.
    "Alex!" I hear a faint yell. I look off the building to see Austin. I guess he's back from his trip, but why? "Austin?" I question." Alex! It's me! Yes it's me!" He yells back. "Thank god your ok" he says. I just ignore him" what happened?" I ask. "Nothing. Just thank god your  ok, we just gotta get you out of here" he says. I let Austin pick me up and wrap me in a blanket. "We need to start walking. Get away from this hell hole forever." He says angry. I don't understand. We come off the building and I see dead everywhere and everything is on fire.  "I don't understand everything was fine last night." I say. Austin nods and carries me off the building and walks me towards the woods. As he. Ties a rope around my leg(that seems to be gushing blood and it's......BROKEN?!) "we need to run" austin says as dead hoard near us. "Where's Lucas, Spencer, Ellisa? Where's everyone?" I asked. " I don't think they made it." He tells me . I burst into tears.
     I don't understand. Everything burned and infected   were everywhere. I had a feeling something bad was gonna happen. What if Lucas did this, he wanted us to leave that night. I mean.... Is this my, my fault? " Alex, I bet they're out there somewhere." Austin interrupted. I managed to nod.
We went further in the woods. "Shhhhh!" He hushed me. " I hear something." He says. He brings me behind a tree.
" where's my people? Where's my town? What did you do?" A familiar voiced asked someone. "Shut up or the pretty guy gets it" the other said. That's when I knew it was Ethan and his boyfriend. "Oh god that's Ethan. We need to save them" I say. "On it" Austin pulls out a gun and a knife for me. "Sneak behind them" he says again.
   As we slowly go from tree to tree I listen in on the conversation. "All we want is a few..... Men. Women will do but we want men to do our dirty work. You hear me? This is where you two hunks come in." The ugly man says. The man has a black shirt and black pants on, he looks maybe...... 45 years old. He has grey stumble and black hair. "We won't do anything to help you" Ethan says. "On three we go. One-two- three" Austin says.
     We barge in on them like nothing happened. "What the." Ugly guy said. We killed all but ugly guy and he ran, ran faster than I knew was possible. "Alex! Austin! Your here." Ethan says. "Nate! I mean..... Ethan!" I say "sup" the gay dude says. "Okay? This is Nate. Nate this is Alex and her brother" Austin says confused. "Hey you two are related?" Nate ask. "Surprised?" I say. We all just grin. "Is everyone okay?" Austin ask "I mean other than Alex." He says. "What's wrong with Alex also what happened to the place?" Ethan says. "Ohhhhhh I found her still in the place, alone, on a building. She had I guys tripped?" Austin said. Wait it's all coming back to me now. "Are you okay? Alex?" Nate ask. " it's.... It's all coming back to me." I say. Everyone looks at me. "Tell us ,it's alright" Ethan says. " we were on the building. Me and Lucas. We were talking about our dream jobs, running away from here. He said just you and me. We could make a life. Then..... we heard gunshots and screams. Lucas told me to wait there but he never came back. I smelt smoke and a guy came up on me and shot my leg but I tripped on a pipe that must o went through my leg. I hit my head on the concrete. It must have caused me to forget." I ranted on about while crying. "It's okay we'll findem we know. I know." Nate said.
     We sat on a log while setting up camp ground. Luckily Ethan and Nate had barbed wire, post, water, tents, and sleeping bags. Also matches. They had gone on a trip outside for fun but got lost. "Tell me something about yourself. Ethan" I say. "Well..... I don't talk much about my life before because I'm a dead beat. I left my wife. Turns out she was pregnant. I left my son with her and had nothing to do with them. I felt bad so I went off grid, never liked myself and never told anyone but you guys bout that." Ethan said ashamed. "I'm sorry." I say. "It's ight, tell me bout yourself" Ethan says.   "I'm a college girl. Before I came I watched my best friend get eaten alive. My boyfriend, Tom. I watched David's dad get eaten alive. I was a shy, low self esteem girl before. Never really had friends. No one liked me. This world has changed me. I kissed a stranger- you-  and I've even thought of new life. Starting a family in this horrible world and found that I'm stupid. I'm just the shy slut from a small town, everyone says. I guess they're right." I get angry. I get up and walk in my tent. "Oh. Alex...., Alex I'm sorry. I.... I didn't know how life for you was." Ethan says. "Tom died. Holly crap." Austin says. Everyone just stares. We all decide we need some rest. So me and Austin get a tent and the two gay guys get a tent. Austin was a doctor before so he decided to bandage my leg and pull the bullet out. He put stitches in it and made a makeshift cast. "Thanks"I say as I kissed his cheek. "Your welcome. Good night little." Austin says." Good night big" I say. We laugh then fall asleep.

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