Chapter 19

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"Pizza ready!" I could here Carter yell from the kitchen. "okay,I'm putting On a movie!" I yell back in response. " what movie" Carter ask as she walks in the living room. I hold up the movie " monster in law" I say. She laughed "okay!" She tries to say under her laugh.
   "Kids come eat and watch a movie!" I yell from the living room. " coming!" The kids yell." Hey I'm not a kid!" Ellisa and Lucas say.
     We watched the movie with laughs and giggles until we reached the credits. I decided to crawl up into Lucas's lap. I saw only darkness.
      Lucas POV

I caught myself starring right at Alex again. I majorly like her. The movie has finally ended and I didn't realize until I felt warmth on my legs, that Alex came and curled up on me. Now I feel awkward.
     Alex fell asleep on my lap and so I let her stay there. I finally blacked out after 3 hours of starring at Alex and protecting her. I even outlined her face and lips with my finger. That brought me back to when I kissed her back at Walmart. I felt bad. I don't know why though that she came and fell asleep on me. I mean I am the only guy in here and guys have comfort? Anyway I think she likes me but that Ethan guy is trying to steel her from me.
    Alex moves and so I decided to bridal style carry her to her room. I lay her softly on her bed. I put a soft kiss on her cheek and set on the couch beside her bed. I will never let her go. I will always watch after her.
     I watch Alex sleep ( not creepy at all ). I want to know she's safe. I have never felt this way about a girl ever in my life and I don't know how to feel about this. I hold her hand and kiss it. I get up and try not to wake her up as I open her creaky door and walk out. I go to my room and open the door. I lay on my bed thinking of my loneliness and so I thought about asking Alex to be my girlfriend even though her boyfriend just died a few days ago and sub but I love her.
I black out

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