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I look at my bros and can tell they lost as fuck then that's when the question start coming from the both of them,so you telling me you don't remember who the fuck saved your ass goat said,yup nigga that's exactly what I'm saying it a blur I tryda wonder why my black ass not dead to bro, soooo why don't we find out luck said. Nigga didn't I just say ion know I said.right stupid ass goat said.nah y'all niggas the dumb one luck said you might not remember who the fuck brought you but the nurse who found you do so y'all niggas still think I'm dumb cause I think I'm pretty fucking smart  luck said laughing.I laughed at his ass  cause he was right,aight, aight nigga guess you right don't gloat lil slow ass we all was weak after and my niggas chopped it up a little longer then the nurse said they had to go it was getting late and I needed the rest. My bros dapped me up and goat crazy ass whispered to me hell fuck the nurse I laughed my ass off and then luck told me  that they will handle the situation about how I got there and how he will be picking me up on my release date which is tommorow  so we said our final goodbyes and my bros was off and I was in the room with my sexy ass nurse I'll fuck her to I thought in my head give her ass some of this dick.okay Mr brooks you will be good to go on Tommorow and you are to attend physical therapy for at least a month to get your joints back in place do we understand each other are you following me this is for your health not mines do you need us to assist you with a therapist because if you do we can assist you with the best in newyork she said,uhh no ma'am I'm straight doc its handled I responded.alrighty well I leave you to your rest, and with that said she was gone.I lay down in the dark of my room and thought about my life and how I needed to change and how I almost died and tried to remember how I got here in the first fucking place who saved me.

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