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I was meeting my pops at white castle burgers to discuss the shit with me getting shot he said it was important and that he was in town to check on me so that's where I'm headed.I did a onceover on how I looked and I looked good,today my hair was in a bun on my head and I had on my purple bape jacket with my true religion jeans and my purple and white js  and my gold chains and my gold earing in my right ear and my Rolex on my left wrist and my bottom grill on yea I was looking good I sprayed my Cologne on and walk out and I pulled up to the restaurant and walked In and let me tell y'all all eyes where on me cause a nigga looked fresh to death.I spotted my pops in a booth in the back of the restaurant away from windows and i walked up to him and spoke.ayee wassup pops my dad was a denzel Washington looking motherfucker y'all I'm serious.hey son you look good don't even look like you been shot.I look at my pops and say you know these niggas can't kill me imma brooks father looks at me and says and don't you never forget it with so much pride in eyes and I just laughed cause lord knows I love his old ass and as we laughing and talking I ask him what's the word and as soon as I say that our waitress walks hi my names diamond I will be your waitress what can I get for you today to drink she says looking at her notepad.Im looking at her and I say we will have water and i will have you she looks up and we make eye contact and she says oh you again and I say yup me again and my pops looking at us at this point confused as hell and says umm am I missing something son how could you possibly know someone as Beautiful as her my pops said.I look at my pops and said nah pops you mean how could she possibly know someone as handsome as me and me and my pops shared a laugh.and then she looked at us and said owee do I have a handful to handle today and then she look at my pops and said your son is arrogant,cocky ,and rude and if your anything like him your a pops looked at her and said no sweetheart I'm the very opposite and smiled.she then looked at my pops and said well very well then I guess ill stay your waitress today but only for you and I put my hand on my heart pretending as if I was real life hurt and said yea yea and your stubborn,annoying and just as rude so I guess that makes us even and she said I am not I beg to differ and walked away to go get our who was that son my father asked,that was the girl who save my ass pops,oh really wow,what you mean wow pops,
She's young and beautiful and a girl.I look at my pops and say yea and,yea and she looks like trouble I like her she seems like a very nice girl but son she is young and you are a drug dealer who just almost  lost his life to the streets i don't need you distracted right now I need your head in the game.I look at him and said yes sir I hear you and I'm not not yet, what you mean by not yet sir.I mean that I see the lust filled in your eyes I see the interest.I laughed and said nah pops that's old age yo ass tripping I'm not looking for that young father looks at me and says right right.I look at him and say nah pops I'm serious I get plenty of pussy on a daily. He was ready to say something but she came back with our drinks.okay here you are she said what can I get y'all to eat I looked up at her and notice her pretty brown eyes this girl was pulling me under and I knew it.uhh I I'll have the Bacon cheeseburger with side of fries I said and she wrote it down and for you sir she said referring to my pops.yes I'll have the double cheeseburger no lettuce, no tomatoes and please hold the mayo thank you sweetheart  and she  collected our menus and was on her way.

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