Part 6

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Swara looks at sanskar but before he could say something lucky holds his his hand whispers near his ear:" please.......buddy say yes i wanted to spend time with her."

sanskar looks at him angrily but nodes and said: "Miss swara u can start your work from today but functions starts from tomorrow so make arrangements from today."

swara: "yes sir."
swara goes toward a side while lucky and sankar saw her going.

lucky:kiaa larki ha yaar!

sanskar gets angry and said:she is my PA.stay away from her i am warning u.

lucky:chill yaar i was joking....i also don't want any mess in my sis wedding.

sanskar nodes.

swara calls ragini and said quickly:"laddo where are u? i want u here. my life is in danger my boss is planing to kill me......plz come to five star hotel."

ragini: WHAT!!.... i am coming don't worry.

she ends the call.swara goes toward sanskar and lucky 

swara" sir can i go to check the arrangements?

sanskar nodes.

lucky:"i will also come with u."

But sankar holds his hand and said angrily:"lucky we have to discuss some important work come with me and swara go complete your work."

swara goes and sanskar dragges lucky to opposite direction.

after 15 mins ragini comes while running and strikes with some one and falls down.

ragini:"can't u see "

She looks upward.lucky was looking at her angrily 

lucky: i have same question for u?

ragini stands up and said:it was your mistake.

lucky:no it was your mistake.

they start arguing.

lucky:"whatt! i am monkey. if i am monkey then u are lizard"

He winks at her.

ragini:"WHAT!!! i am dare u call me a lizard" 

she stamps on his foot in anger and walks out from there.

lucky:aaah! my foot.

He looks at her angrily while dancing on one foot.

Ragini comes to swara who was doing arrangement for engagement ceremony.
Ragini:what he think of himself?...... am i look like a lizard?......monkey 

she strikes with swara while blabbering.

swra:"aaah ragini what are u doing...can't see i am holding so many things...... what has happened? u are looking angry."

Ragini:forget it i don't want to talk about it.

swara:"aaara! tell me" Ragini tells whole incidence to swara.
Ragini pouting: swara! am i look like a lizar.swara looks at her.she was trying hard to control her laugh and in that struggle her face was turning red
In meantime sanskar enters the hall and looks at swara and smiles.
Ragini:swara tell na! am i look like lizard? swara shook her head, laughs loudly and runs from there while laughing ragini gets angry and chases her.
ragini:swara wait.....i will tell u who is lizard? both where running in hall.swara's laughter was echoing in the hall.all the workers were smiling.there was a wide grin on sanskar face after seeing swara like this.
finally swara and ragini stoped. swara holds her ears and says sorrry! and makes puppy face.ragini laughs and hugs her tightly.
ragini:"now tell me why u think that u boss is trying to kill u?"swara tells her everything.
swara: "you know? he was staring me.i think that he was planing how to kill me.plz stay with me in all these functions."

ragini:"of course i will not let anything happen to u."

sanskar comes towards swara and said:"miss swara did u complete your work? and who is she? "but before swara could answer him lucky comes there.

Lucky :lizard.

ragini looks at him angrily.swara was about to laugh again.she knows that if she start laughing again she will not be able to stop it for long time so she quickly opens her bag and brings out water bottle and starts drinking water to control her laughter sanskar notices this and smiles.

ragini glaring at lucky:"my name is ragini i am swara's friend."
lucky comes toward swara and said schockingly:'swara how could she be your friend? u are so angel and look at her she is such a churailll(witch)"
swara splits out water on sanskar face after hearing it as sanskar was standing infront of her.ragini gets angry and again hits on lucky foot and walks out.

swara looks at sanskar and said:"sorry sir!!". she runs after ragini and yells:"raginiiii....laddoooo plz stop."

sanskar cleans his face from hands and looks at lucky angrily as it was all his mistake while lucky was holding her foot and was screaming:"why this girl always hit me on foot."
sanskar:"why were u teasing her?"

lucky:"araa! she was irritating me."sanskar goes after swara.
when ragini was going outside swara holds her and said:"where are u going?"
ragini:"don't talk to me......u were laughing their."
swara:"i was not laughing"
ragini:"don't lie.....i saw."
swara:"aacha wooooo!.....arraaa! lucky called me angel na that's why i was laughing."
swara nodes her head vigorously.In meantime sanskar comes there and said:"if u are done with your friend then we can do some work."
swara:"sir! i have completed my work this is list of all arrangement i have done necessary calls.decorations will start from tomorrow at 9."

Ragini and sanskar looks at her astonishingly.

sanskar clears his throat and said:"well done miss swara i am impressed."
swara:"sir! we can go home now?"
sanskar:"u can leave now."

ragini was still in shock.swara shakes her and said:"come...."

ragini in shock:"what?....yes..yeslets go.......but wait.swara plz pinch i seeing a dream?"

swara shrug:"okayy" she pinched her with full force.ragini shouts loudly:"ouchh!"

ragini puts her hand on swara's forehead and then neck.

swara:"wht are u doing?"

ragini:"i am u have a fever?"

She laughs.sanskar chuckles after understanding everything.

swara confusingly:"no i am perfectly fine why are u asking this?"

ragini smilingly:"u did so much work na."

swara understands everything and pouts:"i will tell dida that u are teasing me."

ragini laughs:come lets go,

swara and ragini goes from there but before leaving swara turned and looked at sanskar.

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