Part 22

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Swara: sanskar I was.......she was shocked and shattered to see that sanskar and kavita was kidding each others.she was sitting on sanskar lap.she lowers her eyes.kavita and sanskar noticed her.kavita stand up quickly and yelled at her: who are u? Don' t u know u should knock before coming to your boss cabin.swara doesn't said anything.she was looking at sanskar.
Sanskar also stands up from his seat and said calmly: kavita darling u go I will handle it.
Kavita: but how could she.....
Sanskar comes close to kavita and give her peck and said: go...kavita nodes and goes from there giving swara death glares.
Sanskat looks at swara and said: hmmmm u must be thinking that what is this right? Swara doestnt say anything.

Sanskar: kavita is my girlfriend.she was out of city from 2 week.....
Swara cuts her and said in blank tone: why did u kiss me?
Sanskar looks at her and close his fist to control himself and said uncaringly: that I was missing my girlfriend that I imagined her and kissed u.after u know right.I...I....just time pass with u.u know.....sanskar notice her hand moves and pressed her arm.she was feeling cold,unsafe.
Sanskar turns around not want to look at her pale face he didn' t stop and continued: but honestly it was good time with u but thank god she came.....

Swara turns and moves to ward door when he was talking.sanskar looks at her.she she opens the door but stopped and said without turning: say thanks to your girlfriend from my side that she came early other......otherwise u would have spend a night with me.and she goes from there.sanskar feels like someone snatched soul from his body.he stumbles a little but hold chair for support.he looked toward glass window.swara was picking her bag slowly and walks out slowly.she was walking like she is deadbody.

Sanskar bend down and hold his hair and mumbles: she should have at least slapped.and shouted loudly: swara u should have cursed be.slapped me many times why did u go silently.why?????? How will I take breath that u didn't said anything and falls down and mumbles: u should have slapped me.tears were falling through his cheeks.
He didn't know how much time passed when he got up from floor and sit on the chair.he was just remembering swara pale face how she walked out but the most painful thing what she just said before leaving.her words were echoing in his ears.
Sanskar puts his hand around his ear and shouted: stop it plz stop it.and puts his head on table and mumbles: swaraaaa!!!

Suddenly door opened with a jerk and ragini comes running lucky was behind her.sanskar composes himself and looks at them.ragini was looking very worried.
Ragini worried: sanskar where is swara?
Sanskar feels like his is stopping and said: I know?
Ragini tensed: when she left from here.
Sanskar remembering something and said hardly: about 8.
Ragini looked at her watch and get more tensed and said to lucky: lucky its been 4 hours and she take out her phone her hands were shivering.
Ragini put phone on her ear and said pleadingly: dwara plz pick up the phone plzzzz.sanskar was feeling something very bad he was not understanding anything.
Ragini start crying and said: she is not picking my phone.

Lucky holds ragini from shoulder and said: ragini relax nothing will happen to her.sanskar stands up from his chair and said in low voice as he don't want to hear what he was thinking.
Lucky in tensed voice: sanskar actually swara reached her home and tell her dida that she will stay at ragini's place but....
Sanskar looking at lucky as he is going to tell him his death time.
Lucky: but she didn't reached till now.its been 4 hours.
Sanskar feels like someone stab him right on heart.
Lucky: ragini she is stronger girl she will handle.
Tagini panicked voice: she is stronge she never did anything like this.never ever. I know her from childhood except when.....
Lucky and sanskar looked at her with confusion and said: when.....
Ragini hits her forehead and said in more tensed voice: when her mother died.ohhh swara!!!!.ragini holds lucky fearfully and said: lucky something bad happened.she...she
Sanskar was just looking at ragini.

Ragini suddenly to sanskar: sanskar did someone told her anything plzz tell me and shake him from shoulders.
Sanskar quickly picks his car keys and said: we should not waste time.lucky go with ragini and I will go alone.but before they could say anything he how's put running.
Bad thoughts were coining in his mind continuously and he was continiously jerking them from his mind.
Sanskar: no nothing will happen to her.she will be fine.and increased his speed.swara plz don't do this.

Swara was walking alone on road.she was continuously warming her arms.she was not feeling anything.not pain,not happiness nothing.her mind was blank.her eyes was blurred due to tears.she was walking from about 3 hours.her foot was starting swelling but she didn't care about them finally she reached to a calm place.that was not literally calm.the noise of water flowing was crushing to her ears.she looked down at flowing water.
Swara was continuously looking at water and suddenly........

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