Part 44(LAST PART)

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They were shocked to see 10 to 15 man holding sticks and ranbeer was standing infront of him.Ranbeer smilingly:I thought we will need some help all nodded and smiled at mean time they get a call sanskar take out his phone and frowned looking at the unknown number and picks it.
Sahil: hello mr.maheswari one hour is over time for next punishement.he get tensed and signalls everyone to sit and keeps phone on speaker.they all silently went and start their journet.ranbeer sanskar were sitting at the back seat while ranveer was behing the wheel and neil was sitting beside him.
Sahil:u know their was so hot there I have to make food their there was so smoke and heat thete I feel so suffocated so why not make her deel the same.everyone cluthes their fists ranveer increase the speed to maximum lever.
Sahil: if she get saved then......he laughed
Sahil: I will come again byee all the best and he cut the call.
Sanskar yelled:fast

Swara open her eyes due to extreme pain.she looked arpund trying to recognize the place but her eyes got wiled open looking at the smorking face of sahil
Sahil:time for next punishment sweat heart.swara tried to say something but he had already closed her mouth with tape.tears start rolling down from her cheak.she tried to free her hand."
Sahil comes close to her and put finger on her cheek swara winced in pain.sahil smiled seeing her in pain.
Sahil wickedly:I hope u will get saved so that I can give u third punishement after that he take out match stick swara looked around the floor was looking wet she looked at him with pleading eyes.
Swara:um...hmmmm.she nodded in no vigoriously but sahil was not looking at her he pull out two stick and soon two spark were fallen to the ground as it fallen the fire started in no time it get sptead in circle around swara.sahil run off quickly from there the room was filled with smoke and fire swara start coughing hardly she looked at the close no one was going to come bhai,sanskar no fog start appearing infront of her eyes.her moments with his father,lovely moment with her brothers,pranks with ragini and dadi, dida's love and lastly SANSKAR the most important and beautiful part of her fog spread all around her mind and her face fell to the side as if soul leaved from her body bur before that she saw that her dress was cathcing fire.
HELP... her mind cried out loudly

They reached at the place in no time but ranveer didn't stop the car outside but he banged inside breaking the giant gate the all stepped out and as expected sahil was standing there with 10 men behind him
Sahil:welcome brother....but ranveer didn't wait to complete her sentence and punched him hard and sahil fall on the ground.sahil laughed and spit out the blood.
Sahil in fake sad tone:what's the use of it now your so cold sister must be dead until now.and point toward the window from which smoke was coming.they all tried to go inside
sahil loudly:just don't let them go inside.
All the men came infront of them and in no time war started between them everyone was trying to go inside sanskar punch hardly on the head of man and tried to go inside hut sahil came infront of him blood enters in sanskar's eyes and he punched him hard breaking his lower jaw ranveer also come there hit the sahil black and blue in meantime sanskar run inside
Sanskar yelled with full strength:swaraaaaa
Sanskar thinks:god plz no u always do this to whom ever I love u snatched him from me.but not this time I can't bear to lose swara please I will die I can't breath without her.
Sanskar sees smike coming out from lower portion of closed door he run toward and flung open the door.he coughed hard and his eyes sting due to smoke his heart stopped beating looking at her unconscious state and her dress was getting into fire.Sanskar jumbed into the fire without thinking much to save his life SWARA
He lit off the fire by his hands quickly he looked around the fire was in citcle around her he just wanted her to die from suffocation he open her hands quickly and pick up as bridal style and run outside he put swara on the ground in meantime others came there.
he take off the tape from her mouth and patted her cheek. your eyes.swara
Neil:we should take her to hospital they nodded and sanskar picks her and they run outside he put her on back seat.
Neil:u all go I will handle sahil he still need a better treatment he said angrily.
Ranbeer:I will help sanskar and ranveer nodded and left ranbeer and neil turned toward unconscious sahil.neil cluthches his hair in tight fist and ranbeer slap him so hard he again gain consciousness.
Nei with anger filled eyes:I think 5 years in jail failed to teach u proper lesson.don't worry I am here na.I will give u a proper treatment neil leave him and called someone.
Neil:prepare the torturing room I am comming with in a min.
Ranbeer had tied sahil and they put him in car and left.

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