Part 26

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Everyone rushed to swara's room and they were hell shocked to see that swara was laying unconscious on the floor and her head was bleeding badly dida was crying holding her face.
Dida: swara swara wake up....
Sanskar steps forward to pick her but lucky firmly hold his hand sanskar looks at him angrily
Lucky whisper in serious tone: don't it will created problems for her.sanskar looked at swara helplessly.a tear escaped from his eye
Arjun pick swara and place her on bed.
Dadi: ragini go get a bowl of water and some cotton.ragini wipes her tears and runs outside.
Sanskar controlling his shout: someone plz cal doctor.
Arjun in serious tone: I am doctor sanskar let me get my bag.
Dida cryingly wipes blood from swara face and put bandage.
Arjun after checkup: she has a high fever therefore she fainted in washroom.all get more worried.arjun take out an injection.dida get worried
Dida low tone: arjun she is afaraid of injections u know it na.

Arjun nodded: dida I know it very well but it is necessary otherwise her condition will get worse.dida nodded.
Arjun injected her injection.swara hissed in sleep.dadi put hand on dida's shoulder.sanskar closes his fist firmly.
Sanskar thinking: this is all because of me.I knew it she is not right.I wish I could have never come into her colourful life.
Sanskar looked at swata's pale face there was dark circles around her eyes.her lips were turned white.and a big bendage on her forehead.sanskar close his eyes not be able to see her in this state.
Dida weeping: when will she gain conscious.
Arjun: after 10 mins.all stayed at their positions as they were froze to the ground as like life was paused for them.
Swara opens her eyes slowly and looked around as recognizing place.dida was caressing her hair.swara feel deep pain in her head.
Swara holding her head: aaaaoow!!.
All worriedly:is it paining??
Swara: haan a little.and looked toward their worried faces and said in serious tone but he eyes were sparkling: what happened?? Is some died???
All get shocked and angry.dida hit her on head.

Swara: aaaow!!!.
Dida: what rubbish are u talking??
Swara: then why are u shading crocodile's tear and see arjun bhi looking like goeraila and Neil bhai looking dinosaur and roashan bhai is looking tiger see his eyes are flashing and ragini is looking lizard and......
Dida loudly: bus meri maaa!!! We got to know that we are looking animals happy.all smiles.
Swara laugh: so u accepted u all belong to animals family.
All make fake angry faces.
Ragini whispers to lucky: because of u she is calling me lizard.lucky looks at her and smirked: sometimes she tell truth and winked.
Arjun serious: how u get fainted
Swara thinking: I...I don't remember clearly...dida woke me my head was heavy everything was blurred so walked toward washroom and then everything get black and I fall down.
Dida tensed: and this injury

Swara: hmmm...I think when I was falling down my head get hit with tap.
Arjun: dida she is week give her something to eat.
Dida: haan I will give her something lite
Dadi: soup
Roashan: chicken soup
Neil: vegetable soup
Dev: fruits
Abhi: egg
Adharsh: juice
And all brothers start arguing about food and rest were smiling and enjoying their right
Swara sighed and looked toward her empty tummy and opens her first drower and pick a BIG chocolate and start eating it and enjoying it completely.arjun smiles looking at her little sister and then laughed loudly all stop suddenly and looked at arjun as he is gone mad.
Arjun: sort but.....and points toward swara all heads moved toward swara who was completely enjoying chocilate as it is only work in the world.their was chocolate all around her mouth and her hands.

Swara looked at them realizing their silent and give them sheeplish smile.a sudden urg to hold her and kiss her to taste chocolate comes to sanskar mind and sadness surrounds his heart from all sides thinking that he can't do that because she hates him now.
Swara: what!!!!....I was hungry and I knew that u all will not stop so easily soooo...dida smiles and kissed her on forehead
Neil: aaaa!! U looking like a monkey let me take your pic
Swara angrily: bhaii noooo!!! And keep her hand on face now her full face was covered with chocolate.neil take her pic.
Swara: eeewww!! All laughed loudly neil take another pic and said: I will post it on Facebook.
Swara get up quickly and runs to him and make his face chocolatey and laughed and said: arjun bhai take his pic arjun laughed and take his pic.
Neil irritatengly: yukkkh!!!

Arjun laughingly: now I will post your pic
Neil gets angry and make his face choclatey by snatching chocolate from swara's hand and all of they start chocolate fight.
Swara: why are standing there and put chocolate on ragini's face and laughed.
Lucky luaghed loudly looking at her ragini gets angry: u monkey. and put chocolate on his face and laughed
Sanskar laughed holding his stomach and said: u are looking complete monkey and again laughed.
Lucky smiles mischievously and said: aacha??? And make his face complete chocolate swara laughed loudly and gives thumb's up to lucky.he smiles back.

Swara comes near sanskar and said: sanskar!! U look more handsome in this face and laughed sanskar hold her from shoulder and rubb his nose with her nose and said: and u look more cute.swara smiles at his compliment.

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