Part 25

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  Dida and dadi were walking in the garden it was not large it was small garden with different flowers strange thing was there were mostly white flowers.
Dada: shumi u forgive swara na?
Dida looked at her with irritated face: I was not angry on her.I was worried for her.
Dadi: don't take tension everything is fine now.swara is smart girl if she can handle u then she can handle anything.
Dida looks at her with fake anger.
Dadi: whatttt!!! And for your information laddu told me that she is doing her work very well.
Dida sighed: u think that I don't know how much intelligent is my granddaughter she is very intelligent because she is my daughter ( said with proud) but I am worried because she is very innocent.she thinks world is fairy tale.where she,her dida,dadi,her best friend,her dad and brothers lived. someday her beautiful dream will break and I am afraid of that day she is not that stronger to bear that.sanskar heart shrienked after hearing that.
Dadi concerned:u are thinking too much.nothing will happen like that just trust on god.
Dida:and u all think I feel happy for being so strick on her.I do it for her betterment
Swara was hearing them.she wipes her tears and comes running to them and said: dida u have full rights to give me punishment but for your information when something will happen I promise I will behave as a brave girl.
Dida tauntingly: what is the spelling of brave???
Swara innocently: b_r_a_v_e why???? Her eyes get wild open and she said in disbelief tone: ohhhh!! Dida u didn't know the spellings of brave u cheated in your exams very bad very bad.
Dadi hides her smile.dida's mouth were hung open
Swara blabbering: dida u ruined my name. I never cheated in my exams.....but before she could continue her blabbering dida hold her ears and said: chup ak dam chup sheaatan kahen ki!!!!
Swara: aaaaahhh! Dida its hurting.
Dida leaves her ear and said: I was asking because I wanted to know did u know the spelling.and u will behave as a brave girl???
Swara nodded vigorously and said: pakka promise.
Dida thinking: hmmmm....and suddenly yelled: swara rat rat.
Swara jumped from her place and hug dida tightly.
Swara: aaah dida rat.aaaah help help.
Dadi and dida laughed loudly.a drop of tear fall from sanskar's eye.
Dida mocking: paru some one was telling that she will behave as a brave girl.dadi again laughed loudly.
Swara confused and scared: haaan haan tu??? I am brave girl but didaaa!!! Its a rat u know when rat bite, 5 vaccines are injected.
Dida patted her head and said: swara there is no rat.swara breaks hug quickly and looks around and sighed and mumbled: thank god!!! And looks toward dida and dadi with narrow eyed and said: u were making fun of me.
Dida: arrrrra!!!! U said na u ate brave therefore I was taking a test.but u failed and smirks.
Swara: aacha giii!!!band looked towards something and get scared and stammers:do...dida..
All get concerned including sanskar.
Dida: what happened swara.
Swara scared: dida...ssss...snake...
Sanskar looked around worriedly.
Dida and dadi's eye widened and both hug swara in one sec .
Both in union yelled: helppppp aaaaaaa!!!!!
Everyone comes out quickly after hearing there scream.
And suddenly swara laughed loudly everyone looks at her with confusion.
Dida and dadi looked around for snake but for their shock there was no snake both looked at swara angrily.sanskar hides his smile.
Swara laughing: aaaaaa! Helpppp. Someone was giving lecture on bravery and again laughed.this time everyone burst out in laughing seeing dida and dadi sceared face.
Dadi:swaraaaa! Ruk tu btati gun thuja.
Swara runs inside laughing.
Dida looked toward everyone and said in serious angry tone: what???? Movie is playing????.everyone stop laughing at once and runs inside.after everyone leaving.dida and dadi looked at each others and brust into laughing.
Dadi: u were more scared
Dida: no. ....u were more scared.
Swara jerks out from past as some one put hand on her shoulder.she moves her eyes from sanskar who was sleeping toward lucky who was in washroom.
Lucky worried tone: angel what are u doing here at 2 am.
Swara: actually dida send me to ask that if u need some thing we were going for sleep.
Lucky: no nothing...go and sleep u must be tierd na ragini once told me u used to sleep early what happened.
Swara: nothing a lot of happened today na therefore and when my brothers come we used to awake late at night.
Lucky: ohhhh!!! Okay gd n8
Swara: gd n8 and she goes from there.
( guys swara was remembering everything looking at sanskar when lucky comes she comes to her senses)
Sanskar opens his eyes.his eyes were teary.he pretending of sleeping because he knows that swara was standing there looking at him.
Sanskar mumbeling: I am really sorry swara.
Swara comes to her room running and falls on bad crying.
Swara: why sanskar why u do this me? What was my mistake? Am I not beautiful enough for u that u leaved me? Why why????? She cries miserably putting hand on her mouth.
Swara crying: dida is right I should borrow some wit.
( sarcastically) swara how could u even think like that SANSKAR MAHESHWARI the business tycoon will fall in love with u.( cries)
Swara: u are a big fool don' t u remember he never said I love u.NEVER its not his mistake its your mistake.u were blind in your imaginary world.solo u should be the only one who should get punishment.but swata u can't show it na.u are a brave girl.u have to be a brave girl just like dida want.
Swara cries whole night remembering her moments with sanskar.on other side sanskar was also not able to sleep.he was feeling continuously that some thing is not right.
Sanskar: should I go to check swara?.
And when it gets out of control he stands up and goes to swara room and opens it silently.swara closes her eyes immediately thinking that it is dida.
Sanskat sighed: she is sleep.but my feelings...and again goes for sleep..
Dida and dadi were seating breakfast and ragini was helping them.sanskar and lucky comes there.
Dida: cone beta have breakfast.both nodded and sit on chair.
Lucky gives flying kiss to ragini.ragini smiles.sanskar remembers when swara was with him.
Sanskar thinking: kia hogya sanskar??? U were wishing to see smiling face of swara and now...and closes his eyes to control his tears.
Arjun comes there and sit and asked: dida where is shona????
Sanskar gets straighten and looks toward dida.
Dida smiling: I woke her up she will be coming at any moment.
Neil comes there and asked: dida where is shona????
All smiles.
Dida: she is coming.
Roashan comes there.
Roashan: dida shona??????
Dida cuts him and said: she will he here after some min.
Dev comes and said: dida!!!!.......
Dida looked at him angrily and yelled: swara come here fast otherwise your brothers will not stop asking questions.
All laughed loudly and all brothers smiles sheepishly.
In mean time adharsh come there and opens his mouth to say something but dida cuts him and said: I am going to bring her.all smiles.
Dida goes from there blabbering: she make brothers like her MAD!!!!! And enters swara's room
Dida: swara!!!! Bed was empty she walks toward washroom and knocks for sometime.
Dida: swara bacha come out na.everyone is waiting for u on breakfast table.swaraaa???? And slightly opens the door and look inside.
Dida yelled: swaraaaaaaa!!!!....and goes inside running.
Everyone get shocked at dida's yell.everyone looked at each others and runs toward swara room.  

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