Part 17

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swara:dad when will u come
shekhar:swara i am sorry my stay is extended for 2 more days but i promise i will try to come.
swara yelled:what u will not with us on holi
shekhar sad:yeah
swara:nooooo dad how could u don't talk to me and cuts the call.and come out from her room.dida looked at her.
dida:swara what happened why are u upset.swara hug her and said in low voice:dad is not coming on holi.

dida sad:swaraaa! u have to understand him na.he will also be sad and alone there.
swara:dida i think u are right.but it is his mistake i will call him later.
dida smiles:as u wish now go u are getting late and u are looking good in my choice and hides her smile.
swara hesitantly:nooo...i didn't wear it because u give this i wear it beacuse....thinks for an answer
dida teasingly:because.
swara:because pink is my fav colour i am not talking to u and turns her face.swara was wearing baby pink lehngha and sleeveless blouse with maching earing and she was without makeup.just kajal in eyes and a light lipstick.her hair was closed beautyfully in bun.
dida holds swara ear and said:sorryy bacha i was just teasing u i know my bacha is best.
swara pouting:hold your ears not mine...
dida leaves her ear and was about to hold her own ear swara stop her and said:not needed dida and hugs her.dida hugs her back.
dida:now go fast otherwise your mental boss will scold u.
swara quickly:he is not mental..dida looked at her deeply and said:swara are u hiding something.
swara hesitantly:no dida i am not..i just....
dida in thinking voice:swara do u like him
swara tensedly:no dida nothing like that it just when u was scolding me sir was with me after your call i start crying so he said that my work is good and he likes it therefore i was asking not call him that he not that bad.

dida got relief and said:bacha u cry beacuse of me i am sorry
swara nodded vigoriously:no dida.
dida:now gooooo.swaa goes from there and reaches in ragini's house
swara yelling:ladu how much time u will take come out.
a lady of about dida's age comes out and said:pata nhe is chori ko aj kis hogya ha.phala to itna time nhe lati.
swara smiles and takes blessing.
swara loudly:arrra dadi u know what happened yesterday.
dadi worriedly:what happened yesterday
swara:voooo....ragini comes out running
ragini:nothing dadi...swaraaaa and gives her death glare.swara laughs loudly and said:dadi yesterday ladu got comment of village girl
dadi eyes widened and said angrily:what...and comes toward ragini and said:from which angle my ladu look like a village girl and moves anround ragini in circle.ragini was just staring at swara with open mouth.
dida:now i got it why was u taking too much time for getting ready ang hits her on head.

ragini:aaah dadiiii.

dadi:what dadi??? swara tell me who said that to my beautiful grandaughter.i will come to teach them a lesson.
ragini quickly:no dadi its..its not needed.
dadi again stand up and yelled yelled:why it is not needed how could they said like that to myyyyyy grandaughter.
ragini thinking:god u did a little mistake.swara should be her grandaughter.both are dramabaz
swara was just laughing dadi looked at her and said:why are u laughing i am serious come i will go with u.
swara finaly controls her laugh:dadi i am there na for ladu u don't take tension.dadi nodded and said:hmmm....thank god u are with her otherewise this girl is useless and hits ragini on head litely.ragini pouts:what i did now???
dida sits with swara and said:take care of her u know na she can do nothing.swara nodded vigoriously.
they both leave ragini was fuming in anger and was silent.when they reache hotel.ragini didn't say anything and goes inside.swara comes after running and said:ladu i was just joking na.
ragini:don't talk to me and quickly goes inside.swara hits her head and said:ohhh she is dammm angry...don't know whose head she will break.......luckyyyy and laughs
ragini comes inside and stands with sanskar and lucky.both look at her angry face and thinks:swaraa what did u do nowwww and looks at eachothere and smiles.

ragini angrily:why are u both smiling am i looking like a joker and turns towards lucky.
sanskar thinks:beta sanskar bhaag la and whispers in lucky's ear:all the best lucky and goes from there quickly.
lucky thinks:ohh god what kind of friend he is leave me alone in danger zone and looks toward ragini and give her tight smile.
ragini curosily:what did he said???
ragini angry:don't lie he said something.
lucky stammering:vo...vo...he said all the best
ragini confused:why
lucky thinks:because he left me alone infront of valcano which can be brust out at any momment.
ragini:why he said that.lucky thinks for something and comes close to her and said in low deep tone:because u are looking very beautiful in my fav colour.ragini blushes and said:thank u while looking down.lucky feels that his heart stopped beating suddenly.she was beautiful word was very short for her she was...she was...i don't know she was just perfect for me.
sanskar:lucky u are gone now.god plz save my brother and suddenly he was froze to the ground he looked at swara who was laughing whole heartdly and again her eyes were filledc with tears.sanskar put his hand on his heart and said in low voice:is she planning to kill me.he was just staring at her.swara feels his intense glare and looks toward and him and smiles.

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