Part 20

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lucky comes to sanskar and looked at sanskar"s smiling face and sighed and said:sanskar u are lucky that u love angel.
sanskar in his own world:yes i am then suddenly comes to his senses and said:what do u mean??
luckt sad:ragini fought with me.
sanskar concerned:why???
lucky:i said i love her more.

sanskar shook his head and said:okay come on lets go.
swara was thinking about sanskar and smiling suddenly some one puts hand on her mouth.swara eyes widened and she struggled to get free.she bites on persno's hand.
swara turns and looks at him and said in shock:sanskar!!!!
sanskar:yes me.who will come to your room at this time???and give her death glare.
swara quickly:sory soryyyy vo i was just....and holds his hand and start blowing air on his hand.
swara worriedly;is it paining???....sanskar tell naaaa???
sanskar comes to his sensesw:haaan much
swara puts her both hand on her waist and looks at him with narrowed eyes and said:what are u doing here???
sanskar fumbles:vo....main....vo and scraches his head.
sanskar with tight smile:i just come here to see u.
swara innocently:okay u see me na now go.
sanskar shocked:what i came here with so much straggle and u are saying mean.
swara:sanskar its 12 at night i am feeling very sleepy.tomorrow is work day.we wake up early na and gives him puppy dog eyes.

sanskar sighed:fineeee and lucky thinks i am lucky????
swara:what did u just say???
sanskar:nothing i am just leaving.swara shook her head vigoriously.
sanskar comes close to her and said:u are a bad girl.swara smiles and said:gooooo.sanskar shook his head and goes from there.

lucky:ragini plz i am sorry.i accepted that u love me more plzzzz.ragini turns her face and said to sanskar:sanskar tell your friend i am not talking to him.

sanskar hiding his smile:lucky she is not talking to u.lucky gives sanskar death glare.ragini goes from there.
lucky:u are having a great fun aren't u???
sanskar laughs loudly:off course.i never saw u pleading and saying sory to a girl.and again laugh.
lucky angry:when u will plead to angel na.i will also laugh like this.
sanskar:i will never plead any girl.(arrogantly)
lucky:we will see and looks for ragini and said:where did she go now???
sanskar pointing:there talking with some boy.
lucky turns angry when he sees her with some othere boy.
sanskar teasing:jealious.
lucky angry:no why would i.if she is not talking with me i will also not talk with her and close his fist in anger.

sanskar:we should meet that boy.
but sanskar drags him there.
ragini was laughing when sanskar and lucky comes there.lucky turns more angry.
sanskar chuckling:ragini who is he???
ragini excited:he is our collage friend sunny.

lucky mumbles:sunny really???
sanskar grins and whispers:someone is buirning....
lucky angrily:shut up i will kill u.
sanskar teasingly:both look closeeee friend.lucky was staring at ragini angrily who was still ignoring meantime swara comes there.
ragini excited:swara guess who is here.
swara confused:who???
sunny turns to swara side and smiles.
swara yelled:sunnyyyyy and hugs him.sanskar smiles vanishes.lucky smiles and mumbles:now its my turn to enjoy.and looks at sanskar angry face.
swara excited:oh my god what are doing here?
sunny smiling:easy swaraa.

swara breaks hug and said:tell me first
sunny:its my second cousin's marriange now tell me what are doing here and look at u.u are looking so beautiful.
swara happyliy:thank u.sanskar's face turns red with anger.
lucky whispering:some one burning.but sanskar does not say anything he was still looking at sunny angrily.
swara excited:i am wedding planner see i did all arrangements.sunny looks at arrangements.
sunny:its beautiful like u.sanskar close his fist in anger
swara:shut up.ragini did u introduse sunny to lucky and sans.....i mean sir.
ragini shook her head in positive.
swara:sunny he is lucky and he is my boss.sanskar gets angry when she introduse him as her boss.
sunny extened his hand to lucky.lucky unwillingly shake hand.
then sunny extened his hand to sanskar but sanskar doesn't shake his head just nodded with head.sunny withdraw his hand smilingly.swara an ragini does not notice it.both were talking excitedly.

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