Part 14

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swara pleadingly:plzzz leave me plz...plz. her eyes were closed firmly and tears were rolling down from her pink cheek she open her eyes and sees sanskar she gets happy and hugs him tightlt sanskar hugs him back to make her feel that she is safe.
boy yelled:leave that girl go find anothere one for u.swara gets scared and hides behind sanskar.sanskar looks at boy angrily.his eyes were red with anger.sanskar steps forward but swara holds his hand.sanskar looks at her.swara nodded in negative direction.he cups her face and wipes her tears and frees his hand.and goes toward boy and puch him hard on boy was drunk he falls down.sanskar holds his collar and make him stand and again punch him.sanskar was beating him continiously.he was really angry.boy's face start bleedind.swara runs to stop him and holds his hand.

swara:sir plz leave him.sanskar free hand and again start beating him.swara sees this and shouted:sanskar leave him he will die.sanskar stops after hearing his name and looks at her.swara comes closer and put her hand on her shoulder.swara in low tone:plz sanskar leave him he will die.sanskar nodded and leave the boy and cups swara's face:are u alright and hugs her tightly
swara:sanskar i am fine nothing is happened to me.boy falls down on ground and yelled:didi save me he will kill me.
swara breaks her hug slowly and mumbles:didiii and looks at sanskar.swara:he called me didi nd yelled:ANOTHERE BROTHERRRR.sanskar closes his eyes at her yell.swara turns quickly and sit near boy.swara excitedly:what did u call me.boy innocently:didi.swara hugs him quickly.sanskar gets shocked. is paining.swara leaves him quickly:sory sory.sanskar comes toward boy angrily.boy gets scared and stands up quickly and hides behind swara.
boy scared:didi save me your boyfriend will kil me.swara and sanskar in union:boyfriend.swara laughs loudly:he is not my boyfriend and make him sit infront of her.sanskar looks at her angrily.
boy innocently:see didi blood.swara eyes widened and looks at sanskar angrily:sanskarrrr u why did u beat him so much see ITNA SARA KHOOON.
sanskar angrily:now u see i will beat him more and com,e closer to boy.boy gets scared and holds swara's hand.

boy quickly:jiju i am sorry i will not do this mistake again.swara and sanskar shouted:jijuuuu
boy innocently:haan
swara angrily:he is not my husband and hits him on shoulder.
sanskar angrily:what's wrong if he called me jiju.
swara with wide eyes:sanskarrrrr!!!! we are not....
but sanskar cuts her and said:u know what i should not have helped u.
swara angrily:who asked u help?? did i hold your feet?? and they start fighting.
boy laughs and said:u both look cute while fighting like perfect husband and wife.
swara and sanskar in union:shut up!!
swara:u know what i don't want to talk with u and stands up and u (points toward boy) he is my boss not my husband and stands infront of sanskar and hit him hard on his foot.
sanskar:aaah!!!!.swara goes and picks her duppta and abag and again sit infront of boy and turns her face from sanskar.sanskar gets angry and said:i helped u and instead of thanking u are showing attitude.

swara ignore it and said to the boy:show me your hand.boy show it quickly.sanskar looks at her angrily.swara cleans boy's wound and dressed them. after finishing work she start hjer interview.
swara:what is your name.

swara gets excited:do u find your simran.
sanskar and raj looked at each othere and mumbles:simran.
boy confused:whos is simran di?
swara:arra u didn't see that movie the girl's name was simran na and blinks innocently.sanskar checkles.boy was still looking at her confusingly.
sanskar:she is asking about your girlfriend.boy shook his head in negative direction.swara without looking at sanskar:raj told him that i am not talking to him.
boy nodded and said:JIJU! did is saying she is not talking to u.sanskar checkles seeing swara red face.swara open her mouth to say something but sanskar cuts her and said:raj told your di that i am not talking to her i am talking to my brother in law.raj repeats the same.sanskar sits down with swara.

sanskar:saala sahab what is your age? swara looks at him angrily
swara excited:really??? raj nodded.

swara:u know i am 25.u are my little brother and pulls his cheek.
Raj:aaah di its hurting.swara leaves it quickly.
Raj:what is your age jiju
sanskar smiles:27
swara:okay raj it enough for today its late.its not good for your health.your jijuuu had beaten u very bad now u need rest and stands up.sanskar looks at her smilingly and stands up they both help raj to stand up because he was injured.
swara:tell me your house address and phone number and opens her diary.
swara:arra u are my brother na then i will come to meet u and blinks.sanskar smiles at her childish behaviour.

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