Part 36

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sanskar and lucky are standing outside the beauty parlor and waiting for their love to come out but its been 2 hours they are not coming outside.
"this is your stupid idea.i am going to kill u."sanskar said hitting lucky on his shoulder.lucky just gives him a slight smile and pray for his life safety.suddenly ragini come out from door but her hands were still behind the door.lucky was shocked to see her in modern look.she was wearing a blue pent and white tshirt.her face was toward door and she continuously saying something.
"lucky come here..."ragini said in worried voice but lucky was busy staring at her face continuously.
"luckyyyyy!!!..."ragini yelled
"beautiful...."lucky muttered to himself.
sanskar shook his head then held him from shoulder and make him walk toward ragini.
"swara come out please..."ragini pleaded
"ragini noooo....i am not comfortable."her nervous voice,came from behind the door.
"swara see i am also wearing the same cloth..."ragini again pleaded.swara shook her head side to side.
"what happned?...why is she not coming out?"sanskar asked in confuse voice.before ragini could have said something,lucky interrupted them.

"ragini u are looking gorgeous..."lucky said in dreamy voice.
"huhhhh???...."ragini said confusingly,she was worried for swara.
sanskar slapped lucky on face so that he can come back to reality.

"swara u looking very good come out please..."ragini said and tried to pull her out but swara holds door.

"why is she not coming out?.."lucky asked while throwing daggers at sanskar.

"i am not looking good?..."swara yelled from inside. all three chuckled
lucky goes behind the door and brings swara out slowly.
she was pulling her baby pink tshirt down so that to make her long.sanskar was mesmerized after seeing her..she was wearing black pent and her hair were tied in high pony tail.she was dam cute.swara was looking nervuous.lucky grinned  while looking at sanskar and clears his throat but gets irritated when he didn't speak a word.
"i am not looking good...right?"swara asked,still pulling down her shirt.
"hmmmm...."lucky said while nodding his head vigorously.ragini gives him death glare.
"see..i told you,i am not looking good"swara said to ragini,pointing at lucky,she was about to cry.sanskar gritted his teeth in anger and looked at lucky as saying 'what the hell'

lucky grinned and took ragini to a side.
"lucky what are u doing?"ragini said confusingly.
'give them some alone time..."lucky said and slide a hair string behind her ear.ragini's eye widened.
sanskar comes near swara she was looking down at herself.
"i should change...."swara murmured to herself and was about to turn but sanskar held her hand.swara looks at him with narrowed eyes.
"u are looking very cute and beautiful..."

i didn't ask from you..."swara said in strict voice and tried to jerk his hand.

"really?...."sanskar said and put a hand around her waist and pulled her toward him.
"sanskar leave me...."swara said angrily
"just now i hold you..."sanskar whispered in her ear.her heart beat fast at his closeness but she controls herself and pinched him hard.
swara giggled and went toward ragini and lucky who were romancing while  hugging each other.
swara patted on lucky's shoulder.
"don't disturb i am romancing with my girlfriend...."lucky said without looking back.swara again patted.
"i said don't...."lucky said in irritated voice and he looked back at swara.swara show him her full teeth.
lucky quickly backed off from ragini and both get embarrassed.
"no problem i will come latter."swara said while hiding her smile.
" we will come we are getting late.."ragini said with red face.
they all reached to airport to receive DEAR KARAN.
"how will we recognize him?"lucky asked
"dadi give his pic..."ragini said,took out her mobile and showed them pic.lucky gives death glare to pic.
"lucky mera bhai(bro) mobile will get burn..."sanskar said,keeping hand on his shoulder.
"i want this pic to get burn..."lucky said,still starring at screen.karan came with a bodyguard behind him wearing goggles.he was looking dashing.
"lucky! he looking a playboy....i am afraid what if he did something with me?"swara asked nervously but instead of lucky,sanskar pacified her.

"don't worry we all are here."sanskar said while holding her hand.swara just nodded and went toward him.

"namasta....hello...hey...what should i say?.heyyyy suits my clothes."swara thought in brain.
"hey karan i am ragini..."swara greeted him with fast speed.

"hey!..."karan said arrogantly.
"badtameez!..if it would not have about ragini,i would have given him tight slap."swara said in mind.
"my friends swara,lucky and sanskar (pointing towared them respectively)"swara introduced everyone,controlling her anger.
"hello guys!..."
"hey!.."lucky said through gritted teeth.sanskar and ragini greeted him normally.
they all went to dadi's house.


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