Part 38

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swara was sitting in front of karan looking at his poker face.she was little tense and uncomfortable with his silence.she looked at her left side table where sanskar,lucky and ragini was sitting hiding their faces.
"karan! do u want to say something?..."swara said breaking the silence.karan takes deep breath
"ragini! i am sorry to say that.....but......."
"but what?..."
"i can't marry u.."he said  finally speaking.all three coughed and swara's eyes widened.
"what???..."swara asked with big round eyes.

"look i'm sorry but i really can't marry u.its...its not your fault.its just i am committed to a girl.i love her very much and i can't marry to someone else."karansad in little tensed voice.swara's face glows up immediately.karan looked at her confusion.swara looked at them and nodded.they stands up and walked toward them and sit opposite to each other.
"u all are here..."karan asked in shocked voice.
"u solved our problem...thank God"swara said excitedly

"what problem?..."
"actually karan i'm ragini.she is swara."ragini said,first clearing that thing.karan looked at them in confusion.
"swara...ragini???.."karan muttered to himself,looking at the two girls.
"what is happening here?.."karan asked with narrowed eyes.
"just relax we will tell everything "sanskar said and then they explain him everything.karan face was beaming

"ask your parents to cancel this marriage."swara said happily.karan's face expression changes.
"i can't..."karan said in worried voice.
"what do u mean? u still saying u will marry ragini. .."lucly said angrily.ragini places her hand on lucky to calm him.lucky takes deep breath.
"what is the problem."sanskar said.

"my parents don't want me to marry that girl..."karan said with mixed emotions of angry and helplessness.
"same low thinking...."all looked at each other.
"mine and her standard don't match"karan said,closing his fist they shook their head in disbelief
"your parents are living in abroad for about 20 years...still the think like that?"swara asked in shocked voice. karan didn't said anything but looked very very angry.
"she also loves you"lucky asked and a smile appeared on karan lips.

"more then anything." all smiles.
"make your parents understand importance of love its not right to run from problems"sanskar said in practical voice.
"i am not running.i don't know what to do.i can't go against my parents will."
swara and ragini looked at each other.

"we have an idea..."swara and ragini yelled.three boys looked at them being horrified.

"why are u both yelling.we are sitting here only not at corner table."he said pointing at corner table.swara and ragini giggled and looked at the table.a single person was sitting there.swara's face turned pale looking at the person.that person passes a smirk to swara.swara's hand started trembling.
"what is it?..."karan excitedly
"we tell dadi about this and i am sure when she will talk to your parents they will agree."
"are u sure.she is your grandmother and maybe her thoughts resemble to my parents."karan said in tensed voice.

"u don't know her.she is a rockstar.right swara?"ragini said laughing and all looked at swara.who was becoming more pale with every passing second.
"swara what's wrong."sanskar asked in tensed voice and looked at the direction where she was looking.but there was nothing except empty table.

"no..nothing"swara said quickly. sanskar looked down at her trembling hands and gets more tensed and holds her hands under table.swara felt safe and put her other hand on sanskar.he looked at her face and a smile appeared on his face.

soo what are we waiting.go tell your dadi."lucky said,swara and sanskar looked at lucky.

"have some patience lucky."ragini giggled.swara quickly pulled her hand from sanskar.sanskar frowned.
"no ragini i think we should solve this as soon as possible."swara sais,hiding her tense expressions.lucky and karan nodded vigorously.sanskar was looking at her deeply.
all stands up to leave.
"karan u come with us."ragini said and karan shrugged.

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