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Thank you to hoofprintson02 for letting me write this!!!

I jumped out of my bunk in the trailer and shoved my feet into my boots. My brother would have told me no on the shorts but I didn't care. He was right behind me as we got outside to greet our parents and the Yates.
Kyson was coming up from inside the trailer. He caught up with me easily and it became a race. The first one to have two horses saddled. "Give up Dallas." He said. "You know I don't give up easily Yates." I told him.

I grabbed my hackamore and saddle before saddling Jack and Daniel. I fixed the cinches and stood there waiting on Kyson. "Son she beat you once again." Marty informed Kyson. He let out a few mumbled curses that his parents couldn't hear.

"Hey at least I can rope faster than that." I said. "And that's why we're ahead of the competition already." He said. Since my brother is nineteen Kyson and I can travel with him instead of our parents. This is the first year we actually get to!

I led my heading horse out and mounted. He sidestepped before I urged him on to the ring. Kyson and Brody followed. Mom and dad got each of our horses and the Yates shared Kyson's extra. I warmed my horse up while dad and Marty put a steer in the chute.

Once they were ready I backed Jack into the heading box and waited. Kyson soon had his horse under control. I nodded sending the steer running as the gate opened. I twirled my rope before the loop landed around his neck. I pulled tight letting Kyson pick up the heels.

After a short second the steer was released. I pulled my rope back to me as I got ready to catch the steer. After shooing it out I stood on the opposite side of the ring watching as Brody and Kyson took turns roping calves before he and I roped a few more steers.

All afternoon we played around and practiced until three to give our horses a break. At the moment we're sitting around the trailer with the awning out and fold out lawn chairs set up. "Need to watch how you throw the loop. The calf will go straight ahead unless it runs into the railing. Watch how close you get to it." Marty warned Kyson.

Dad and him had a cold one in their hands while mom and Hanly had tea. I had a Sierra Mist while Brody and Kyson had Dr. Pepper. My alarm went off for us to start getting ready. I jumped up first and ran in.

I grabbed my sponsor shirt and quickly threw my jeans on tucking it in as Brody came in. I put my belt on as Kyson came in. I moved out of the way and threw my hair into a braid. Once that was done I put my boots on and grabbed my nylon rope.

I grabbed my straw hat and stepped out. Mom and Hanly went with me to the stalls. I saddled Jack and led him out to the ring. I mounted him and rode him around the ring.

Brody and Kyson soon joined. The three of us qualified for ERA earlier on and made the cut. Once it was time I rode Jack to the box. So now he's Jack in the Box. Which is his registered name. Kyson didn't looked worried only calm.

I called for it. The whoosh of my rope over my head rang. I threw it. The steer was caught by the neck. His heels flew up. Kyson caught the heels pulling tight. The time was good. Six sharp. I knew we could do better but it's only the first night.

I untacked my horse and brushed him down while he got a drink. I fed him before going back to the ring. I watched tie down roping then went with them to the stalls.

"We need to pick up the pace Dally." Kyson said as he unsaddled. "I know. I saw." I told him. They brushed their horses down before we all went to the trailer for the night. They let me shower then they went. Tomorrow night I'm calf roping and need the practice.

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