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"Dally." Brody said giving me a warning look. "What?" I asked him. "You know what." He said. Calgary was where we were heading. Our parents will be there. "Ok. When are we going to be there?" I asked him. "In a few short hours." He said. I got my iPad out and started doing a Instagram video for my story. Kyson and him were discussing the latest roping tactics and how to do it.

The caption on it was 'tactic talk.' In the next video I did Kyson winked at me. I rolled my eyes at him. The fuel light blinked. I spotted a gas station sign three miles. "Um we're running on fumes." Brody said. "Really." I said. He quickly pulled off a mile from the gas station. "Why don't I just saddle a horse and get us a gallon for you to make it." I said. "Excellent idea baby sis. Here's five and you know where the container is." He said.

"By myself?" I asked him. "I'll go with her while you stay put." Kyson volunteered. How nice. I got out with the five shoved in my pocket. I opened the back of the trailer getting the first horse out. I mean this is city country. I grabbed another lead and clipped it to the ring then moved the other to the other ring before tossing both onto Poker's back. I mounted as Kyson came with the gas can. I held it while he mounted.

He then held onto it and me as we took off for the station. Once there he held his horse while I ran in. I bought a full gallon with it and got change back. "Will that be all?" The lady asked. "Um my travel partner out there an I had to come and get it so our other traveling partner could get here with the truck and trailer." I said. "There's a fill up for rigs out back." The lady said. Then went out. Several people were asking about the horse at the gas station. I then held him while TJ filled the container. "So what was the wink about?" I asked him.


Oh if only she knew how much she could do to me with a single question. Why did I have to put my horses in last? Oh but she looked absolutely stunning on Poker. My conscience obviously had this planned. Might as well keep my feelings quiet for a bit longer so Brody won't jump me in the middle of the night and make me sleep with the horses. So I answered casually.


"Just for your followers." He answered. What he doesn't know is that I saved the video before posting it. I rolled my eyes as it finished. He made sure it was secured before I mounted onto his horse. He handed it to me before getting on behind me. "Your ridonculous." I told him as we started back for the truck and trailer. "And you are a cat-tastrophe." He said back just before we got back.

"Finally." Brody said as we approached. He glared at Kyson. I imagine for being too close to me. He was the first off. I then dismounted leading Poker back. "I thought about walking the horses to the gas station to let them stretch their legs." I said. "Kyson would you pull up to the station?" Brody asked.

He and I put leads on all of the horses riding two. "So what's up with you and Ky?" He asked. "You know we're just friends." I said mounting Jack.

"Just making sure." He said handing me half of the horses. He got up on his horse as Ky came around the corner. He handed Brody the rest of the horses before closing the trailer up.

I took off with my group as the truck started up. As it rolled along I watched as it went around each turn. I then put the rest of the leads in one hand letting Ky know there was a fill around back.

Then back to the horses. I led them the full distance getting plenty of onlookers. Once at the trailer the fuel tank was already being filled. Ky took the horses while I dismounted. We then put them up. I gave each water and refilled their hay nets.

Once the tank was full and the horses happy and cared for we used the bathroom, got drinks, and food for the road. Kyson was now driving and Brody was in the passenger seat.

As it was starting to get dark a tire blew on the trailer. We quickly pulled over and jumped out. All six horses were freaking out. I quickly untied each with the quick release and handed each off to one of the guys waiting.

I grabbed the last two and walked out quickly with them. Then tied them to the fence nearby. An elderly man came up in a truck while TJ and Brody were changing the tire.

"Hello ma'am." He said getting out. "Hello sir. We just tethered our horses to the fence to let them calm down and so we could change the tire." I said explaining our problem. "No problem. On your way to a rodeo?" He asked.

"Yes sir. Calgary Stampede to be exact." I said. "We'll have fun. I wish y'all luck." He said before walking back to his truck after petting one of the horses. Ky came up as Brody lowered the trailer back down. "What did that guy want?" He asked.

"Wondering why there were six horses tethered to his fence." I said as Brody came up. I untied two horses taking them back to the trailer. I eased them in and tied them up giving each one a treat for being good.

I walked out after giving the last one a treat and finally got in the front seat! In the next town we got food at a gas station before continuing. At about ten I was starting to fall asleep. Brody had already crashed in the backseat, snoring quietly.

I leaned against the console partially leaning on Kyson. He moved his arm so I was completely resting on him. My boots were off in the floorboard with my legs tucked under me.


Man she's so peaceful sleeping. I wish she could sleep on my lap with her head on my shoulder instead of my arm. I sighed as I saw we were one of the only ones on the highway. I slowed down before checking the distance away from Calgary. Two hours.

Once there I found a parking space and took it. Then carefully moved her head getting out. I then went around to her side. I opened the door, reached across her lap and unbuckled her. Then pulled her out and into my arms. She moaned stirring something up.

I had to quietly groan as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I then opened the trailer door to the living quarters. Then took her to the table bed that was left up. "No." She mumbled as I tried to set her down.

I finally got her peeled off of me and on the bed covered up. I then turned the generator on before unloading the horses myself. Then went into the trailer. I got changed and onto the pull out bed tired beyond my limit.

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