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Our parents got there in just a few hours. Brody was still tied up. "How long is he going to stay tied up?" Kyson asked. "Until my mom and dad talk to him." I said. "Please untie me. This is uncomfortable." Brody said. "Oh now you know how the calf feels." I said. Kyson tried not to laugh I could see it on his face. "Um why is Brody tied up?" Gally asked coming in.

The fourteen year old girl finally came in from the barn. "How's your roping?" Kyson asked her. "Good. Almost good enough to get on the circuit!" She said before jumping on her brother. Around supper time all of our parents were outside hanging out.

I went up to dad asking him to talk to Brody about personal space. Then told him where he was.


"Well. What did you do to your sister now?" I looked up seeing dad leaning on the couch. "Saw her laying right against Ky and had to open my big mouth." I told him. "You know she'll always be your baby sister but she's growing up. When Kyson asked me, I realized she was growing up before my eyes. I knew he would take care of her though. How many times has he offered to go with her when you two are fighting?" He asked.

"Most of the time when he's around." I said. "But didn't he step in when he knew you two would have ripped each other's throats out?" He asked. "Yeah." I answered. "Didn't he ask you if it was alright for him to date her?" He asked. "Yeah. On her birthday." I said. "And you trusted him enough then because you knew he wouldn't hurt her." He said.

"Yeah." "And when they were younger didn't they share a room while sleeping over?" He asked. "Yeah. But the four of us usually slept in the same room no matter what." I said. "And you think they'd do something like sex if they were to sleep in the same bed?" He asked. I shook my head. Dad untied me. "If I remember correctly. Your mother and I didn't even think about it until the second time we dated. We decided it would have been better to wait until after we got married before doing that.

"Then after a few months of playing it safe we slipped up one night and a month later found out you were on the way. Eight months later as she pulled up to the trailer Marty and I were staying in, I went out to greet her and then we were off to the hospital. I remember holding you that night and having to switch places with Tuf just so I could be there. Then I decided to take a few years off to stay with you and your mom. You were supposed to have two sisters. Your mother told me that she was pregnant on your second birthday.

"Then after we found out the gender, she had a miscarriage. Then three months later she asked if we could try again. If she didn't want to try again you wouldn't of had your sister. That's why she's three years and a week younger than you." He told me.

I sighed sitting back against the couch. "So you think I should put more trust in them?" I asked him. "She's your sister, and he's your buddy. If you trust them individually then you can trust them as a couple. Kyson probably knows things she wouldn't tell you even, because he sticks close to her and feels safe with him even when she feels safe around you." He told me.

I nodded. "I guess I'll step back and watch their relationship and if it looks like they try to go farther I'll fake an excuse to break it up." I said. "As long as she's married more than nine months before having a baby I'm fine." Dad said. I hope I won't screw anything up even more.

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