Chapter 26 - Worries

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I didn't really know what to think as soon as I saw all those kids standing there. Time seemed to a little slower and there was a moment of pity. They were all dirty and bruised as they held onto their weapons loosely. The boy that had ran up to Dawn dropped his weapon along the way. Soon enough the others dropped their weapons as well while they slowly approached us.

The kid that had ran over to us was smiling while hugging Dawn tightly. She seemed equally as happy hugging back. I slowly got up granting them some space while dusting myself off. Dawn soon after stood up too, the boy on her arm. She then turned to look at the other children who were only a few steps away from us. "I'm sorry that I hadn't come earlier..." She sounded guilty as she looked at the ground, thinking about something. I was about to place a hand on her shoulder, but suddenly she looked back up with those brilliant eyes. "But I'm here to ask a favor and to grant you a new place to live." Her words sounded honest and strong, like she was leading a whole army.

The children were happy with the news before they all tackled us both on the ground in a hug. I couldn't help but smile at their happiness, even if they lived on the streets they were smiling. I glanced over at Dawn who was smiling as well while holding one up.

After that it wasn't hard to convince them at helping us, I was even surprised that they understood the situation. "If the army falls in this district, we can finally move in and go for the people who are in charge of the economics." Dawn explained while moving some rocks on the map she had drawn. She had made a whole game plan in the sand with a stick and some rocks representing our troops and their troops.

"And we get to come home with you?" The boy who I learned was named Stefano looked up at Dawn with big eyes. He really seemed to like her as if she was his sister.

Dawn looked down at him smiling before ruffling his hair. "Yes, we are leaving right now. Then you can all rest in a comfortable bed and clean environment." She explained while getting off the floor.

I followed suit and dusted myself off as I felt someone tug my pants. There was a little girl standing right next to my leg, she didn't come higher than my waist. "What's wrong?" I asked while kneeling down. She seemed a bit scared, but didn't speak. "Are you scared?" The girl nodded before lifting both her arms up.

By instinct I picked the girl up holding her on my arm. She immediately wrapped her little arms around my neck. "Her name is Irene, she doesn't speak very well." I turned to look at Dawn as she explained who the little girl was. Dawn placed her free hand on Irene's shoulder smiling at her.

Irene smiled back before pushing her face against my shoulder. "I see...So we will take all of them with us? How are we going to do that with our horses?" We couldn't leave neither behind, but taking both was difficult too.

Soldiers would question us with the amount of kids. Especially since their clothes are ripped and dirt is all over them. They would take them away from us and God knows what will happen to them then.

"I will get us a cart, they stay low in there while our horses pull the cart. We will be home before dusk." Dawn placed Stefano down and picked up her sword off the floor. "You stay here with them, I won't take long." She took a step towards me and hesitated for a second. I didn't know what for until she leaned closer kissing my forehead softly, while her hands were on both sides of my face.


Of course was coming back with the cart, but it felt right to kiss her there. If I didn't come back for whatever reason, I would at least have left something. I was struggling with leaving her behind to go fight on my own these past weeks, mainly since I never knew if I were to return. Was it weakness? I couldn't answer that question myself, but I know it wasn't something too great.

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