•Derek Luh•

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Your Kids


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It's Luh

You were at home cooking for your family of four. It was just you, Derek, your 5-year-old daughter, Daniela, and your 3-year-old son, Derek Junior but everyone called him DJ for short.

Just as you finished frying the chicken, your phone rang. Turning the stove off, you rushed to your phone looking at the contact. It was Daniela's school calling.


"Hello, is Y/n Luh, Daniella's mom?" A lady asked.

"This is she. Why is that you are calling about my daughter?" I asked confused. Daniela was doing good in school seeing as it is her first year of school as a Kindergartener.

"Well Mrs. Luh, today Daniella used profanity earlier and I'd like to remind you that we don't allow such foul language in our school."

"Is that so?" I asked my right eyebrow went up. I hear the front door open and Derek shouts that he's home. "Well, I'll be sure to talk to speak to Daniella about what happened. Thank you for informing me, goodnight." I hung up and walk where my family was.

"Mommy!" Derek put DJ down and ran into your arms.

"Hey baby, how was daycare?" You asked your son picking him up.

"I peed in the toilet standing up by myself." DJ shared.

"High five," you two high fived before you put him down. "Did you remember to wash your hands?" He nodded. "That's great, baby!"

"Can I go play with my toys?" He asked.

"Yes, don't forget to put your shoes in your closet." You reminded him as he walked upstairs with his hand on the wall.

"Hey, baby." Derek snaked his arms around your waist as you put your hands on his biceps and he kissed you on the lips. "Chicken?" He asked pulling away.

"Yup, and mash potatoes and cornbread." You smiled. "Where's Daniella?" You asked noticing she wasn't in the living room anymore.

"She was just here..." Derek trailed off looking around. "Daniella?!" He yelled at the bottom of the stairs. You saw DJ run out his room to the railing.

"Dani crying." Derek and I ran upstairs. "Dani in my room." We walked in to see Daniella head in her knees with her arms wrapped around them.

Derek and I walked over a bent down in front of her. "Princess, why are you crying?" She didn't answer. "Please tell daddy why you're crying, Princess?" He asked again.

"Is it because you know your teacher called me saying what happened in school today?" You asked her. Daniella's head moved up and down in her arms. Derek looked at you confused as if asking what happened. "Her teacher called saying she used profanity in class today." You explained to him.

"I-I didn't mean to, H-Hailey w-was picking on m-me." Daniella tried speaking as she sniffled. You rubbed her back trying to calm her.

"Who's Hailey, Princess?" Derek asked. She sighed putting her legs down and wiping away her tears.

"She's this mean girl in my class. When I write my name she always says my last name wrong on purpose." Daniella explained.

"Oh really?" You say a little pissed someone's messing with your daughter. "So what happened today?"

"She said it wrong again and when I ignored her and tried to focus on my work, she kept poking me with a pencil saying it Luh and I got mad so I smacked it out her hand and yelled, Quit calling Luh it's Luh bitch." When those words escaped her mouth Derek was on the floor laughing like a maniac while you looked at your daughter with wide eyes. "Are you mad at me?"

"No, but next time she says your name wrong again, which I doubt she will now, I give you permission to pop her in the mouth and sing the chorus for her again." You said smirking and Daniella stood up smiling. "Just make sure your friends are around so if she tells they can stick up for you, okay?" She nodded.

"Me too mommy?" DJ asked running over to you.

"Yup, but only if they say it wrong on purpose, okay?" He nodded. "You two go wash your hands and go sit at the table so we can eat." They both said okay mommy in sync as they ran out of the room.

"Damn babe, are you trying to get them expelled?" Derek asked laughing.

"If they do, we'll just have to transfer them to Nathan or Sams' school and take turns carpooling with Skate and Sammy." You said shrugging as the two of walked downstairs laughing. Nathan was Skates' 6-year-old son and Sam was Sammys' 4-year-old daughter.

2 Years Later

"Hey Y/n, wassup?" Sammy said through the phone.

"Hey Sammy, do you remember 2 years ago when Derek and I told everyone about Dani and we had to carpool with Skate her Kindergarten year?" Sammy chuckled. You were sure he remembered.

"How could I forget? You guys had to move to Skates' neighborhood that summer." He laughed.

"Yeah well, now we're your new neighbors because....let's just say this year it was DJ, but he punched the boy in the eye." You could hear Skate laughing really hard.


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