~Ethan Dolan~

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Pizza Delivery Girl

Your POV

"Yo, Y/n!" My manager Fabian, or should I say, cousin, called out. I had just finished mopping the floors of the restaurant.

"Wassup Fabian?"

"I know your shifts over but someone just called at the last minute. We're the only ones here and I gotta close up. Plus, the address is on the way to your place. So could you, maybe, you know-"

"Yeah, I gotcha," I answered.

Pulling up to the house, I turned off my GPS and got out with the pizza. I drove in my car since I was going home after this and was just going to drop off the money and shit tomorrow morning.

I knocked on the door three times. "Who is it?!"

"Pizza delivery!" I shouted back. In less than a minute, the door swung open to a tall, good looking guy with a jawline so sharp I was scared that I'd cut myself if I touched it. "Uhh, I- two medium-sized pizzas. One classical pepperoni, and one meat feast?"

"Yup, that's us. Hold on, it's my brother's turn to pay." The guy said. "ETHAN! Pizzas here! It's your turn to pay!"

"I know, stupid! I'm looking for my wallet! Have you seen it?!" The guys' brother named Ethan shouted back.

"It's in the kitchen!"

"I looked there already! It's not there!"

"I'm sorry, I gotta go help this idiot. Come in." The guy offered.

"Okay." I stepped into the house and followed the guy to what I assumed was the kitchen.

"Grayson, it's not in here-" A guy that looked exactly like the other one that let me in, stared at me when we walked into the kitchen.

"Forget it. I'll go get my wallet, but you owe me." Grayson said to his brother. "I'll be back." He assured me before running out of the kitchen.

"Hi I'm Y/n, here are your pizzas," I spoke before setting them on the counter. Ethan just continued to stare and it was kind of getting uncomfortable. "Could you stop staring at me?"

"Huh- Oh- I uhh- yeah, s-sorry. It's just that you're really gorgeous."

"Yeah, okay." I snickered. "Do you tell that to all the Pizza Delivery girls or is it 'just me'?" I said and air quoted 'just me'.

"What?! No!" He answered causing me to scoff. Thank god his brother had come down.

"Here ya go, malady. Keep the change." Grayson said handing me the money.


"Grayson, do you ever hear me compliment any of the Pizza Delivery girls?" Ethan asked his brother. Is this boy serious right now?

"No. Why?" He said as bit into a slice of pizza.

"Okay well, thanks for the compliment. Enjoy your pizza, bye." I smile before quickly walking out of their house. Once I get to my car door, I hear someone yell 'wait'.

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