~Zion Kuwonu~

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Your Kid

We're a Team

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We're a Team

Zion's POV

I jumped out of sleep at a loud crashing sound from downstairs. Followed by that noise were loud cries. I've been hearing those cries a lot more often lately. That is...when I'm actually home.

Hopping out of bed, I walk out of the room and downstairs. The closer I got towards the kitchen the louder my 15-month-old(1 year & 3-month-old) son, Aiden, cries were.

There in the kitchen was a mess. Cabinets were opened. Baby bottles without tops, pots and pans on the floor, baby food and juice out, and teething toys all spread out on the countertop. On the stove, were baby bottles boiling in a pot.

"Ronnie?" I called out after grabbing Aiden out of the high chair. Rinsing his pacifier off that was on the floor, I gave it to him. He rested his head on my chest. I heard sobs nearby and followed them. "Ronnie?"

There she was. Head between her knees with her arms wrapped around. Pots and pans in front of her. A bottle that had juice was spilled on the counter and dripping on top of her head and into her hair. I quickly picked up and then turned the stove off after watching the pot overboil.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked her as I took a seat on the floor next to her. Aiden was wide awake. Ronnie lifted her head up and let her knees fall.

"I have no idea what I'm doing, that's what's wrong. I'm so tired. He's teething which is why he's crying more all day and night. I'm not good at this. He's also getting over a fever so he'll either spit up or have a pamper filled with diarrhea every so often. Yet, he still wants to eat. It's been the same thing for the past couple of days. I've been up since 2 a.m." As soon as she finished that, she turned head facing me.

Her wild curly hair was being tamed by a ponytail holder that was in her hair to make it look like a messy bun. She had puffy bags under her eyes and her face was tear-stained from crying.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"You just got in last night. I wanted you to rest. Plus, you know me. I don't like asking for help. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it on my own."

"Ronnie, you're not supposed to do all on your own. We created him together, we take care of him together. This was always going to be a team effort from the day he was conceived." I chuckled and I saw her crack a smile.

"You're right. He wouldn't be here if it weren't for you so I guess we both should be doing it as a team." She rested her head on my shoulder while I laid mine on her head.

Your POV

I woke up in bed alone. The last thing I remember was falling asleep on Zion's shoulder while Aiden was messing with my hair.

Checking my phone, I was shocked at the time. It was 12 o'clock in the afternoon. I've been sleeping for 8 hours. I haven't slept that long since I was pregnant with Aiden.

I got up out of bed and went to search for Zion and Aiden. "Zion! Aiden!" They weren't in Aiden's room so I went downstairs. Walking into the kitchen, my eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets. The kitchen was cleaned. Spotless even. I could tell from the kitchen that the living room cleaned as well. On the fridge was a note on an envelope.

I tricked the guys into coming over and got them to help me clean up the house. We wanted to let you sleep in peace so we took Aiden to the park. We'll be back around 6 to go out to dinner. Feel free to go shopping, get your nails done, hair did...do whatever. You deserve it. We Love you
Zion & Aiden
P.S. The guys said they love you too

Inside the envelope was a stack of cash. I guess I know what I'm doing for the next 6 hours. Running upstairs, I took a long hot shower and washed my hair.

I went shopping for myself but then saw something for Aiden then Zion. Then I found all of us matching outfits that I thought were too cute! I went to get my hair and nails done. It was around 6:40 when I had finished. I texted Zion letting him know I would be running a bit late and he said it was fine since our reservation wasn't until 8.

I walked into the house to see the gang minus Zion and Aiden. Brandon, Charlotte, and their two kids, Cameron and Braylnn, Austin, Edwin, then Nick, Alexis, and their daughter Nicole. The kids were all around the same age as Aiden.

They heard me walk in and we greeted each other with hugs and gave my nieces and nephews kisses. I went upstairs to freshen up and seen Zion in Aiden's room on the floor.

"What do you think mommy's going to say?" Zion asked Aiden as they played on the floor. He had something in his hand showing Aiden but I couldn't see because his back was towards me.

"What do you think I'm going to say about what?" Zion whipped his head back so fast I thought it was gonna come off.

"Mommy!" Aiden got up and ran towards me as Zion stood up.

"Hey baby boy, you miss mommy today?" Aiden nodded his head and kissed his cheek causing him to giggle.

"You look beautiful," Zion said before pecking my lips.

"Thank you."

Skip To Dinner

I was surprised to see Zion and I's family at the restaurant when we arrived. I just thought it was gonna be our friends and the kids. If our families are also here than something's going on.

Dinner was coming to an end and I had ordered my favorite dessert. When it was given to me, the was something sticking at the top was a diamond ring.


"Ronnie, you're not only the love of my life and mother of my child but you're also my best friend of 7 years. Only 4 of those years, we were a couple. You were there for me all throughout the beginning before PRETTYMUCH and fame and fans. You believed in me and that was all I needed to keep going. This morning when I saw you overstressed and crying, it broke my heart. Talking about how you were feeling made me realize I had to step up my game. Instead of just telling you we were a team as partners and parents, I knew I had to show you and prove to you how serious I am. Y/f/n, will you marry me?"

"Mommy marry daddy!" Aiden yelled from next to me causing everyone to laugh.

"Okay!" I laughed through my tears. Zion slipped the ring onto my finger and kissed my lips as everyone cheered.




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