~Nate (Skate) Maloley~

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Brothers' Best Friend Part 2

Your eyes fluttered open to a bright light causing you to blink rapidly. You look around to try to figure out where you were. Your head was pounding but you didn't know why.

"Fuck." You curse as you put a hand on your forehead.

"Y-Y/n." You look to your right to see Swazz with red puffy eyes. "Oh Y/n I'm so sorry, for everything. I didn't mean to lash out at you and call you a slut or call you a brat. I'm so so sorry Y/n, please forgive me. I'm sorry, just please forgive me." Swazz says crying into the hospital bed.

"What are you going on about John John and why the hell am I in the hospital?" You ask him confused.

"Y-You don't remember?" You shake your head no. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Well, you were taking momma and me to see your new place in Cali. Where is momma anyway?" You explain.

"Oh my god, you're okay." A blonde girl comes into the room hugging you but you don't hug her back.

"We thought we lost you Y/n." A blonde boy says.

"Umm I'm sorry, do I know you?" You say confused. The blonde girl looks up worriedly at you then back at Swazz.

"Guys, we need to talk outside. Y/n I'll let momma in." You shake your head as they walk out of the room.

"What do you mean she hasn't met us yet?!" You hear someone yell outside the door.

"Sir, just calm down. Now everybody is just going to have to reintroduce yourselves. Maybe if you act the same and say the same things as you all did when you first met her. It could bring her memory back." The doctor explains to everyone. They all nod as they walk in.

You look away from your mom as a whole bunch of people came in behind Swazz. You feel like you've seen them before, somewhere but not clearly.

"Y/n, these are my friends. They came to support me. This is Stassie, Sammy, Jack, Jack-"

"His name is Jack," the brown-headed one nods with a smile, "and his name is also Jack?" The other one nods as well. "Why the hell would you do this to me? Now my head hurts even more." You say laying down causing everyone all snicker. "What's your last name?"

"Johnson." The blonde one said.

"Gilinsky." The brunette said.

"Alright so I'll call you JJ, and you'll just be G." Everyone smiled at each other because little did you know. That's what you named them the first time y'all met.

After everyone had to reintroduce themselves, you'd get a weird feeling like you've met them before.

"Alright so maybe we should give Ms. Smith some rest. Only one of you can stay the night."

"I will." The boy with the ponytail you were calling Skate. "I-If that's okay with you, Y/n?" You looked at him then Swazz. He nodded saying 'it's okay and he'll be outside.'

"Y-yeah, that's fine I guess." You answered nervously. Earlier your mom said you and your boyfriend had a bad breakup just before you came out here. You were a little sad but you kinda had a feeling something was up with him.

Only 10 minutes into your favorite movie, Friday, you doze off to sleep. The nurse came in 5 minutes ago giving you some pills to help with your headaches and put you to sleep.

As you slept, a lot of memories, came in bits and pieces. You remembered everyone, your break up, the guys coming and beating your boyfriend up, your friends with benefits with Nate, all the holidays and weekends you flew out to California, sometimes with your mom, you breaking off the friends with benefits with Nate, Swazz going to Boston to bring you back here for your birthday, y'all going shopping, What happened between you and Nate, then Swazz, you leaving, the call with Stassie, reading all the text, texting back Nate you love him too, and then the crash. You woke up sweaty and breathing hard.

"What's wrong Y/n? Are you okay?" You looked over to Nate as tears fell down your face. "Hey, hey," Nate got up out the recliner and sat next to you on the bed rubbing your back, "It's okay, Y/n. You can tell me. You may not remember but you always felt more comfortable talking to me, you know before-"

"B-Before I started ignoring you and shut you out." You say looking up at him and wiping your tears. Nate looks into your eyes. "I remember Nate, I remember everything. I'm so sorry I did that. It was just so hard for me to keep going on with it if you didn't feel the same way. Every time we were together, I fell more and more in love with you and-" Nate cut you off by pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was slow and passionate as he cupped your cheeks.

"I am so fucking in love with you Y/n Y/m Swift," Nate said pulling away. You smiled and kissed him again before pulling away.

"I'm so fucking in love with you too Nathan Montgomery Maloley." You both shared one last kiss before making room to lay down. "Wait."


"I want your sweatshirt." You pouted. "Pleease." Nate rolled his eyes chuckling.

"Just to warn you," he says as he lifts his sweater up. "I have no shirt on." He smirked. You just stared at his bare chest biting your lip. "I know I look good but no need to stare babygirl." You snatch his sweater from him and put it on. You both lay down spooning. "I love you."

"I love you too."


This was actually written after the first part but I wanted to post it in order of how I have my celebs.




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