•Austin Porter•

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REQUEST FOR mamibesson

Small Bloody Incident

Austin's POV

I looked down at my girlfriend whose head laid peacefully on my bare chest before checking the time on my phone. It's 11:30 in the morning. Carefully turning her to the other side, I threw on a pair of basketball shorts that were laying on the floor. I stood up looking for my shirt but then noticed her wearing it.

"Aye, look who's up," Brandon said once I entered the kitchen.

"Looks like you got some last night." Zion teased as I ran my hand through my messy blonde hair with a smirk.

"It's not that obvious," I said as I grabbed a bowl and milk.

"Then where's your shirt?" Nick asked.

"Didn't feel like putting it on." I shrugged as I poured cereal into the bowl.

"Didn't feel like putting it on or you couldn't because someone else has it on?" Edwin questioned and everyone stared at me.

"Shut up," I said trying to hide my grin as I put a spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

"I knew it!"

The guys hung out for about an hour before they went out. I told them I was going to stay at the house and spend the day with JaQuana since we haven't been available to do so due to our busy schedules.

I made my way back upstairs to my room and closed the door behind me. Pulling the covers back, I was confused as to why there was blood on the bed. That's when I noticed a bloodstain on the bottom of my shirt she had on. Not knowing what to do I grabbed my phone and called my mom.

JaQuana's POV

"Babe, get up." I heard Austin say but I just stirred and groaned lazily. "You have to get up babygirl."

"Why?" I whined while putting a pillow over my head.

"I think your period started this morning and it bled through."

I jumped out of bed and touched the stain on his shirt before looking at the one on the bed. Running into the bathroom, I shut the door and locked it.

"Baby, you okay?" Austin asked.

"Could you just go away?! It's bad enough I ruined your shirt and sheets!" I snapped at him.

"Babe, don't even stress about those things right now. Look under the cabinet on the right side." I opened the cabinet and looked at everything. It was stocked with a bunch of different brands and sizes of pads and tampons along with flushable wipes. "I'll leave you to get yourself cleaned up. Just leave the stuff you have on outside the bathroom door so I can wash them. I'll be downstairs if you need anything."

Turning the shower on, I stripped from Austin's shirt and my bloody underwear. My body wash and loofah was already on the shower rack from last night. I peeked out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me, before dropping the clothes next to the door. I quickly sped walked to my phone that was charging on the other side of the bed and the speaker then rushed back into the bathroom.

Austin's POV

After I started the wash, I jogged upstairs to my room to grab the stuff JaQuana took off. When I went back downstairs, I checked on the Cinnamon rolls in the oven then the boiling shredded ginger. Turning off the oven so the buns could cool off, I put the ginger on low and poured it in a pitcher to put the other ingredients for the ginger tea recipe my mom sent me.

"Austin?!" JaQuana shouted from upstairs. That's when I remembered I had to take her clean clothes out of the dryer.

"I'm bringing your clothes now!" I shouted back as I took the clothes out the dryer and put the other stuff from wash into the dryer. I skipped steps as I ran up to hand her the clothes. "They were already clean, I just wanted it them to be warm when you put them on," I explained as she grabs the clothes from me.

"Thank you." She gave me a small smile before closing the bathroom door. The doorbell rang and I went downstairs to get it.

JaQuanas POV

The tension between Austin and I have been awkward, mostly because of me. I just feel embarrassed about the whole situation and to add on top of that I'm hungry and mad at myself for snapping at him and these fucking cramps are so bipolar I swear. They seriously just come and go whenever they please.

After putting on my clothes, I walked into Austin's closet and grabbed his grey hoodie. Throwing it over my head, I grabbed my phone and followed the smell of food coming from downstairs.

  Once I got downstairs, I headed towards the kitchen where I saw the counter with black bags and Chinese food

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Once I got downstairs, I headed towards the kitchen where I saw the counter with black bags and Chinese food. Austin was icing some cinnamon rolls with his back was facing me.

"W-What's all this for?" I asked causing him to jump. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you-"

"You're fine. Since you're on your period, I know you'll have cramps so my mom said to make ginger tea and get your favorite ice cream. And the candy and junk food are for your cravings. Oh and the Apple TV in the living room is ready for you to pick any movie, or tv show marathon you want." Austin beamed. I felt like crying.

"Y-you called your mom?"

"Yeah...to be honest with you, when I saw the blood, I didn't know what to do so I called my mom and she gave me some tips and advice." He explained. I went up to him and kissed him before hugging him. "What was that for?" He chuckled as wrapped his arms around me.

"For being the best boyfriend ever." I smiled up at him.

The rest of the day, Austin and I laid on the couch watching movies. Whenever my cramps were bothering me, he'd rub my back and play in my hair which made me fall asleep every time.




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