~Cameron Dallas~

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His Sister

You've been busy at the dance studio all week and Cameron busy with photoshoots. You and Cameron met at a party one night and hit it off. You two have been spending a lot time together the past two weeks. This week you were both busy and haven't had any time to spend with each other.

Today you came from the studio early and knew Cameron hat an off day so you decided to go surprise him. You went straight to your shared apartment with your best friend, Y/b/f/n, and showered.

You finished laying your edges down and gave yourself one last look at yourself in the mirror. You were wearing a black crop, black jeggings, and nude Puma Suede. You went for a casual look knowing that you and Cameron wouldn't go out in public just yet.

 You went for a casual look knowing that you and Cameron wouldn't go out in public just yet

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You grabbed your keys and phone and walked out your room. "Going to Cams I'll see you tomorrow, love ya bitch."

"Bye bitch and don't forget to use protection!" She shouted to you just before you closed the front door.

As you pulled up to Cameron's place, you noticed there was another car parked next to his black Range Rover. It was probably one of the guys you thought.

Walking up to the door, you stopped in your tracks. You saw some pretty brunette girl on his couch petting Jaxx. Was Cam was cheating on you? You thought he liked you just as much as you did him. He even told you he liked you, a lot actually.

Balling your fist you in anger, you walked up to the door and started banging on it. The door swung open to reveal Cameron who now had a shocked expression on his face.

"Y/n, oh my god you're here! I missed you so much." Cameron was leaning toward you for a hug when you slapped him. "What the fuck was that for?!" He yelled as he held his now pink cheek.

"I can't believe you made me look like a fool.
I thought you liked me but I guess black girls aren't your type!" You yelled at him.

"What?!" Cameron shouted in confusion.

"Oh don't give me that bullsh*t. I saw her through the window, she's in your house!"

"Y/n who are you talking abou-" Cameron started laughing.

"What the hell is so funny?" You asked angrier then ever.

"Are you talking about Sierra, my sister?" Cameron asked calming his laughter. You felt stupid now. Embarrassed even. You had jumped to conclusions thinking he was cheating on you instead of asking questions. He did tell you he had a sister but I guess that never really occurred to you that it was her in there.

"Y-Your sister?"

"Yes Y/n, my sister."

"Wow I'm so dumb. I'm sorry I slapped you.
I'm sure you never want to see me again so I'll just go." You mumbled the last part turning to walk away. Cameron pulled your arm back crashing his lips onto yours. You were surprised for two reasons. 1) This was the first time you two had kissed. 2) It was out of no where and it was a hell of a good kiss. You kissed him back before pulling away.

"Woah." You said stumbling a little as you touched your lips. Cameron chuckled at your reaction.

"What can I say? I am a great kisser." Cameron said smirking as you rolled your eyes at him. "Now come on in so you can meet my sister, you know, the girl I'm cheating on you with." He laughed and you punched him in the arm. "Why are you so aggressive?" He asked rubbing his arm but you just shrugged. "I hope your the same in bed. I like it rough." He whispered in your ear making you bite your bottom lip turning you on a little.

"Cam, mom called she ask-" Sierra looked back noticing it wasn't just him. "Oh hi, you must be Y/n, Cammy hear has been talking about you nonstop, all day." She walks over to you and hugs you. "You're so much prettier in person than Cam said you were." She smiled causing Cameron to blush. "What happened to your cheek Cam?"

Totally forgetting you slapped him, you looked at it and saw it was red. "I-I kinda jumped to conclusions thinking he was cheating on me with you, not knowing you were his sister, and slapped him." You explained nervously thinking she'd probably not like you anymore. That is until she busted out laughing.

"Oh...my...god...I love her." Sierra said in fits of laughter. "You must come to dinner at our moms, she's going to love you."

You looked at Cameron for an answer. "I agree. I think it's time we take an important step in our relationship and have my two most important women in my life meet the newest member."

"You haven't even asked me to be your girlfriend Cam." You giggled.

"Cam, you idiot, what's taking you so long? Do it now." Sierra said smacking him in the back of the head. Poor Cameron has been getting abused a lot today.

Cameron ran upstairs, leaving you confused but Sierra had a goofy grin on her face as she pulled out her phone. "I was going to wait until tomorrow but," Cam came down with roses and a huge stuffed bear. You gasped. "I know we've only been dating for over two weeks now, but they've been the best weeks of my life and you make me happier any time we're together, even if all we have time for are texts and FaceTime calls, you always manage to put a smile on my face. Will you accept these roses and huge panda and be my girlfriend?" He smiled. How could you say no? I mean you both liked each other a lot and he even remembered that you like pandas.

"Of course Cam." You answered hugging him. Pulling away, your lips made contact with his.

"Awe, you two have me missing Brent. Which I have to go pick up so we can head to moms. See you later Y/n, Cam be at moms by 7:30." Sierra said before walking out the door.

"I should get home and change-" Cameron cut you off by pulling you back towards. He pinned you up against the wall and licked his lips.

"We don't have to leave til 6 and it's only 4 something. Let's get rough."


⚠️ The Original Image that I had here of Cameron had to be removed because Wattpad said if it wasn't if it wasn't removed, they'd delete my book. So I'm sorry for those who have never seen it and to those who may come back to this imagine just to see it. ⚠️

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