~Dallas Winston~

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Young Matt Dillion

Anniversary Surprise

Your P.O.V

Turning over to cuddle my shirtless boyfriend, Dallas, I ended up wrapping my arms around a pillow instead. The sound of music and laughter along with the smell of eggs and bacon gave him away.

"Aye Dal, where's that chevy of yours?" I stopped at the corner, eavesdropping on the conversation that started.

"Gave it away," Dallas answered my gramps.

"What'd you go and do that for? I thought you loved that red car." My gramps says. I then hear chairs move and plates and glasses clatter.

"Not as much as I love your granddaughter." My cheeks heat up, a tingly feeling spreads through my body, and the ends of my lips curl up.

"What do you mean?" My grams asks, confusion evident in her voice.

"I didn't have enough to get her anniversary present last night so I sold my car to make up the money," Dallas explained causing my grandparents to gasps. I would've gone the same if I wasn't spying on their conversation. "I still have your permission, right gramps?"

"Oh, that's beautiful!" My grams gushed. I tried to get a peek at what they were looking at but failed.

"Of course, son. That there is something. I just know she's going love it."

"I hope so. Imma go wake her up, so we can head on over to the Curtis house." Dallas said causing me to rush back into the room and pretend to be asleep.

  The door creaked open then closed, before the bed sunk as arms wrapped around me from behind. Dallas nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck making me giggle.

"I know you're not sleeping, Y/n." He chuckled. I turned to face him before running my hands through his hair.

"Happy 4 year anniversary," I said before kissing his lips. We pulled away, pressing our foreheads against one another.

"I love you." Dallas pecked my forehead.

"I love you too," I said. He gave me a longing kiss before I got out of bed to get ready for the day.

Dallas P.O.V

"Ay Dal, come in here for a sec!" Gramps called out for me from outside.

"Coming!" I shouted back. Getting up from the couch, I walked out the front door and to the small shed gramps was in. "Need help with something Gramps?" I asked poking my head inside.

"Actually, I wanted to give you something. Could you help me with this here cover?" I went on the other side and helped pull the cover back. My eyeballs were almost out of my sockets when my eyes laid on the blue and white car in front of me.

 My eyeballs were almost out of my sockets when my eyes laid on the blue and white car in front of me

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