~Hayes Grier~

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Back Together

You were packing your ex-boyfriend, Hayes, stuff into his duffle bag he'd use for clothes whenever he stayed over your house. It was a mutual break up, but the words that ended things were said out of anger. You knew he didn't mean it, but then again he didn't take it back either. The memory was so fresh in your head as you replayed over and over again.


"Babe, guess what?!" You said walking back into your house from getting the mail. You had gotten a letter from UCLA, the college of your dreams. You were going to become a doctor so you could save lives. It's been your dream ever since you were 5 and your dad told you how your mom passed away to cancer. You promised her that you'd never give up and would make her proud. When you wanted to give up because of how challenging everything was, your Dad past of cancer when you were in your second semester of Freshmen year, and that's when you became serious about everything. You were going to make sure no child or parent would lose someone they loved so much because of something that wasn't in there control.

"What?" Hayes asked with a smile.

"It's here! The letter!" You said with so much excitement.

"Really? What's it say? Did you get in?" He asked as you sat down with your feet tucked under you.

"I haven't opened it. I want you to." You give him the envelope.

"Are you sure, babe?" He asks. You bite your lip and nod. "Alrighty then." Hayes rips the letter open and scans his eyes over it. His expression changes completely, which worried you.

"What does it say?" He says nothing as a tear falls down onto the paper he's looking down at. "Hayes? Why are you crying?"

"Y-You g-got in." He says handing you the paper without looking at you.

"Really?! Oh my god?! Yas!" You jump up and cheer as you do a happy dance singing 'I got in, I'm gonna be a doctor, I'm gonna be a doctor' repeatedly. You stop when you see Hayes still sitting with a sad expression on his face. "Hayes? What's wrong? I got into my dream school. Aren't you happy for me?" You ask him confused as you sit closer to him.

"Yeah, I'm so happy my girlfriends moving to another state far from me." He says sarcastically as he stands up. You look up at him still confused.

"We can still see each other like every 2-3 times a month and we have phones to FaceTime and call each other every day."

"That's not the same Y/n!" He snaps at you making you jump.

"Okay, you need to calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down! Why didn't you tell me you applied for UCLA?!"

"I didn't want to get my hopes up or you pitying me if I didn't get in! And you should be happy for me, I'm going to be going to a school I've dreamed of attending so I can do what I've always wanted! Why are you so mad?!" You yell back no standing directly in front of him.

"Do you not get it?! You won't be here! What am I going to do if my world is miles away from me?! Huh?" He yells tears streaming down his face. "I don't want a long-distance relationship Y/n! I won't be with someone who I'll barely be able to see or hear from."

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