~Nick Jonas~

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Nick's P.O.V

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my drink out of the fridge. Once I finished my protein drink, I grab my keys, phone, wallet, and duffle bag, before walking out of my house. I text Y/n letting her know I was leaving, as I got into the car and waited for her to text back.

Me: Good Morning gorgeous, leaving my house now. Can't wait to see you!

Y/n: Awwe, Nick. You really know how to make a girl smile this early in the morning. And Happy Friday too! So glad your back home and can't wait to see you either!

I smiled at her reply as I backed out my driveway.

Every since last Monday morning, Y/n and I have been running together daily. But this week I had a photoshoot and fashion show in Milan, and just got back last night. I really like Y/n. She's smart, independent, and smoking hot. We flirt with each other a lot but I don't think she'd date me.

I push my thoughts aside as I pull into the empty parking lot, I put my phone and car keys into my shorts then get out the car.

Your P.O.V

I park my Jeep next to his Camaro and grab my stuff. Strapping my phone to my arm, I grab my keys and water bottle before hopping out.

I spot Nick by the resting stop, stretching on the rocks. Because his back was towards me and earbuds were in his ears, he didn't know I was behind him. He was fine as fuck. It took everything in me not to jump this boy. And when he takes his shirt off, I try my best to look anywhere and everywhere else but him.

"Oh hey, Y/n," Nick said as he turned around and noticed me standing here.

"Hey Nicky," I smirked knowing he hated your nickname for him. He hugged me tightly and I managed to control myself the whole minute.

"I'm going to let that one slid because I missed you." He said pulling away. "Ready to get left behind," Nick smirked as we started walking.

"As if," I scoffed, "your white ass always like five feet behind."

"That's only because I like the view in front of me. Your ass is thick as fuck." Nick looks back at my ass and licks his lips. I playfully shove him as I laugh.

We ran up and down twice. Nick put on a baseball cap the first time down so people wouldn't notice him and follow him. If people knew Nick Jonas ran early every morning here, he would have to stay in and run his treadmill.

"Did you spit on me or is it about to-" Nick didn't even have to answer you because out of nowhere it started to pour down rain. "Fuck!" I cursed.

"The first one down to their car gets kissed by the loser," Nick smirked.

"You're on."

"Ready, set, g-" you ran before he finished, "I didn't even say go!" He heard him yell over the rain.

It started raining harder and harder as I ran down the hill. I turned to see if Nick was behind me when I tripped and fell down the trail. I hissed as I sat and touched my head as blood ran down my face.

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