•Hayes Grier•

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Your POV

When I woke up from my nap, Hayes wasn't in bed with me. I got and put on one of his shirts and drawstring shorts. Once I opened the door, I heard a bunch of voices. The guys must be over.

"Wassup Y/n, you come down to hang with us?" Johnson asked.

"I guess but not for long." I gave everyone a hug before taking a seat on Hayes's lap. Running my hand through his hair, I gave him a kiss.

"Yuck. Love." Sammy faked a gag. Hayes and I pulled away.

"Babe, you smell that?" I sniff near Sammy.

"Yup, it smells a lot like jealousy to me." Hayes played along.

"Whatever. Ain't nobody jealous of y'all." Sammy muttered as he got up and went to the kitchen.

Hayes POV

Y/n went upstairs less than fifteen minutes ago. She said she was going up there to get ready to go to the beach. I know that won't be for another 2 hours.

Mine😘❤️🔒 Him

You good?

Yeah, just bored

Come downstairs then

Nah, I'mma just stay up here and find a movie or something

Alright, let me know if you want anything

Your POV

I gave up on finding something to watch and turned the tv off. As I was scrolling through social media, I heard the sound of the room door open then close.

"Hey," Hayes said walking towards the bed.

"Hey," I said liking stuff on Instagram. "The guys leave?"

"Nope, they're still downstairs." Turning my phone off, I looked up at him.

"So what are you doing up here?" I asked confused as he sat beside me on the edge of the bed.

"I wanted to check on you." Hayes pulled me onto lap with my over him.

"Hayes, I'm okay." I laughed a little to show him that there wasn't anything to worry about.

"You still bored?" Hayes slowly moved his hand up and down my exposed thigh. I was no longer wearing his shorts. It had gotten hot and so I took them off earlier. The only clothing I had on was his shirt, my bra, and panties.

"Y-Yeah." My breathing began to hitch when he placed his lips on my neck. He started kissing towards my weak spot before sucking on it causing me to moan. I tilted my neck to the side to give him more access.

"I'm sorry, babe," Hayes said as a moan escaped my lips. He had pushed my panties aside and was stroking his finger over my folds.


"Because you're up here by yourself bored out of your mind while I'm with the guys." He slipped a finger inside of me. I mind was turning to mush as he added another finger then used his thumb to massage my clit.

"I-I-It's ook-kay," I whimpered.

"It's not okay. That's why I'm going to make it up to you. Is that okay with you?" I nodded. Hayes's eyes darkened. "Lay back." He instructed and I laid back. He slid my panties off then stripped from his shorts and boxers.

While he grabbed a condom and put it on, I sat up to unhook my bra then tossed it on the floor. He hovers over me and lines himself at my entrance. As he slowly pushes his member inside of me, the urge to scream out his name is covered by his lips connecting to mine.

Hayes and I makeout as the pace of his thrusting picks up. Throwing my arms around his neck, pulling our bodies closer. We immediately start panting once our lips are no longer pressed together.

"Mmm, Fuck Hayes! Yes, just like that!" I moan out a little too loudly. To maintain my volume, I kissed on his sweet spot and got more turned on at the sound of him groaning in my ear.

"Fuck baby, you feel so good around me." He grunts. The sound of him pumping in and out of my cum leaking pussy filled the room.

"Harder!" I shrieked. Hayes pressed his elbow onto mine as he began to ram his member so deep that I could feel it in my guts.

Just I had finished releasing again, I could feel Hayes manhood throbbing. He was the verge of cumming.

"Fuck." moaned in my ear as he came in the condom and rode out his high. When he finished, pulled out.

Hayes threw the condom in the small trash bin next to the dresser. Just when I thought we were done, he got between my legs and lapped up my juices.

"Shit Hayes." My fingers tangle in his hair and tug on it. Wrapping my legs around his neck, I try to close them but he kept them spread with his arms hooked around my thighs. I felt his tongue swirl in a circle then his lips suck on my clit repeatedly.

"Haaayyyeeesss!" I cried out. I came for the 4th time.

"Am I forgiven?" He asked and I cupped his cheeks giving him a loving kiss on his lips. I pulled away biting his lip a bit.

"I'll take that as a yes." He smirked then pecked my lips. The door was knocked on before a voice called out.

"Yo Hayes, we about to go down to the court!" Tez yelled from the other end of the door.

"Alright, give me like 5 minutes!" Hayes shouted back.


Hayes POV

"What the hell took you so long?" Nash asked.

"Yeah, yo ass went upstairs and never came back," Gilinsky commented.

"Yo guys you smell that?" Skate said sniffing and they all started sniffing towards me.

"Damn Hayes, you smell like sex!" The guys said together.

"Shut the fuck up and let's go," I said walking out the door.

"Nice hickey by the way," Derek said with a smug look on his face.

"I'd say the same to you but you'd have to have yo own girl to have one." I smirked as everyone 'ooohed'.




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