~Peter Parker~

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Peter Parker(Spider-Man) is being played as Tom Holland.


Peter P.O.V

"Tonight is not my night," I say to myself as my feet dangled from the balcony searching for a crime.

"Help!!!" I shot up and swung to where the scream came from."Someone please Hel-" Someone covered her mouth and after a few seconds, she was out. They put her in the van and shut it.

  "Karen, did you see that?" I asked my suit lady as I ran and jumped on the truck.

"Yes, Peter I did."

"Could you maybe match her voice to a face?"

"Of course." I watched as various pictures were changed while the audio of the kidnapped girls' angelic hopeful voice played. "Her name is Y/f/n."

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," I whispered to myself and admired her beauty in the photo.

"Would you like to know if she is seeing anyone?"

"You can do that?" I asked shocked. I swear I learn something new about what this suit lady can do every day.

"Of course." It looked like Karen went to her social media and stuff to look for it. "Here's what I found, she is single, 17 going on 18, and is homeschooled."

"That's why I've never seen her around. Hey, where are they taking us?"

"GPS says we'll be arriving in The Bronx in less than 30 minutes," Karen informed me.

Your P.O.V

I struggle to get out of the super-tight knots that are tied around my wrist. Honestly, I don't even know why they want me or who these people are.

I was just walking home from my friends' house when they pulled up next to me, jumped out, and kid knapped me. I'm scared. What if they try to kill me or rape me or make me a prostitute? I just want to go home.

"Let's go." One of them says as he grabs me by the arm forcing me to walk. I'm forced into a chair and tied to it. I scream for help but only get a slap to face. "Shut it or I'll put a bullet through your brains." He says with the gun to my head. I then heard footsteps walk away and a door shut and lock. They'd left, for now.

Peter P.O.V

I silently closed the window I came in and jumped to a bar directly above her. The sound of her crying tugged at my heart a little. Wrapping my web around the bar, I slowly went down it. My face only inches away from hers, I lifted her blindfold off as she flinched in fear.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here to save you." I assure her as I wiped her tears away.

"Y-Your S-Spider-Man."

"The one and only, beautiful," I smirked after ripping the web covered ropes off her wrist and ankles. "Ready to go home." She smiled as she nodded her head. "Hold on tight." Y/n jumped up and wrapped her arms around my neck and legs around my waist tightly as she buried her face into my neck. I smiled before shooting a web up and swinging up.

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