~Bryce Hall~

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REQUEST FOR Helloworld106

You Make Want To Try

"So what is it you wanna talk about?" Bryce asked you.

"I've been talking to someone." You say.

"Okay and.." Bryce says confusingly.

"Well, I just wanted to see if this whole friend with benefits thing is ever gonna be more..." You ask fiddling with your fingers.

"Angel, I told you before. I'm just not the type who's into the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing," Bryce explains with an annoyed tone.

"I honestly don't see how it's any different from what we've been doing."

"There's a huge difference!" Bryce snaps.

"How so?!" You shout.

"Well for one, I have no feelings for you whatsoever," Bryce says and your face immediately falls. You look up to the ceiling trying to hold back your tears. You were really hoping that by making up a story about talking to another guy that maybe it'd push Bryce into confessing his feelings for you.

"I guess it's over. We're no longer friends with benefits, nor are we friends. Goodbye Bryce."

A Week Later

Bryce's POV

I don't know what's going on with me. How can one girl have such an effect on me? Is it possible I may actually miss Angel? No way. I just need a replacement. Someone's who up for benefits with no strings attached.

"We should call the guys and go clubbing tonight," I suggested as I walked into the living room where Mickey and Taylor were playing the game.

"I'm down."

"Me too."

"Cool cause I'm tryna to get laid," I explain while plopping down on the couch beside them.

"You and Angel broke up?" Mickey asks and I roll my eyes.

"We were never together. Just friends with benefits."

"You fooled us. By the looks of it, the two of you didn't seem like 'just friends'." Taylor said.

"Well, we were and now it's over so drop it!" I snapped. Taylor and Mickey looked at each other then back at me.

"Woah man, calm down. I'm just saying, I saw how you were with her and how her being around made you feel. Sorry things didn't work out for the two of you. " Mickey explained.

"Yeah man, I know it's hard to love someone who doesn't love you back," Taylor added.

That was the thing. I do love Angel. At least I think I do. See, this is why I didn't tell her. I've never been in love before. What if I mess up? The last thing I want to do is hurt her. I just want to be with her and if being in a relationship with her is the only way then I'm willing to try.

"Where are you going?" Mickey asked me as I stood up and grabbed my keys.

"Don't wait up."

Angels POV

It's a Friday and I have no plans. My best friend is staying with her girlfriend over the weekend. Leaving me all alone. If what happened last week never happened then I would most likely be with Bryce acting like I'm not in love with him whenever Mickey or Taylor was in the room. Then spend hours pleasuring each other before ordering out because I would barely be able to get out of bed to cook us anything.

It was more than just sex to me. It was the things he said before it happened. The 'I've been waiting to get my hands on your beautiful body'. How those blue eyes stared lovingly at me when I laughed with the guys. He didn't know I noticed but I did. I noticed everything which is why I thought he would notice me as more than someone he friended for hooking up.

"What do you want?" I asked as soon as I answered Bryce's call.

"Could you come open the door?" He's here?

"No." I walked to my door and looked through the peephole. Standing there in a white tee and grey sweats with a white bag in his hand was Bryce.

"Please Angel, I need to talk to you."

"We're talking now."

"Angel." Don't it Angel. He'll only reel you back in and crush you like an ant.

"What's in the bag?" I asked. He looked up and stared at the peep realizing that I was looking through it and smirked.

"Open the door and you'll find out." Removing the chain and unlocking the door like the stupid girl I am, I let him.

"I got your favorites. After what I have to say, I can take you to go see that movie you told me about two weeks ago."

"I'm listening."

"I don't know anything about being in love. I don't know what it is I'm supposed to feel when I am in love. I don't even think I've been in love before. But what I do know is that when I'm with you, it's like there's no one I'd rather be with is you. Every morning I wake up, you're the first one I call and at night, the last. And when I don't want to think about you, there's always something I do or say that reminds me of you. This past week, all I could think about was you which only made me miss you."

"What are you saying?" I ask confused.

"What I'm saying is that I have feelings for you Angel. And if you let me, I'd like to be your boyfriend."

"I thought you didn't do the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing?" I say quoting his words from last week.

"You make me want to give it a try." He answered. I search his eyes for any other emotion other than what he's sending off but all I see is love.


"Okay yes or okay I don't care cause there's more than one meaning when someone says okay and-" I press my lips against his to shut him up.

"Let's just watch something on the Firestick. I don't wanna go out tonight." I said pulling away.

Bryce and I cuddled on the couch and ate the junk he brought over. He laid on my breast with his arms wrapped around me as I ran my fingers through his soft brown hair.

"Angel?" He called out, still resting on my chest.

"Yeah?" Lifting his head up, he slowly leaned in centimeters away from my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Bryce." I smiled before he kissed my lips then laid his head back down as he protectively tightened his grip around me.




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