~Jason Momoa~

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Imagine Idea from hockeylizzy5

First Laid Eyes on You

Your POV

You had just arrived on the set of the upcoming film, Aquaman. You were going to be doing make-up on the cast. Make-up was something you were great at. But not just the regular glam up but also monster looks and bloody faces and things like that.

You were having a hard time trying to find your trailer when you bumped into a wall. At least you thought it was a wall. "Shit!" You heard them cuss.

"Oh my God! I am so so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." You explained as you helped them pick up their now coffee-stained papers.

"It's okay, don't worry about it..." A deep masculine voice trailed off.

"Y/n." You say as you stand up with the dripping papers in your hand. You finally looked up at who you had run into. The big tall muscular man in front of you stared down at you.

As he continued to stare and not say anything you took the initiative to clear your throat and look down at the papers. "S-So uh where do you want me to set these?"

"O-Oh u-umm, I'll just take them from you. I know most of my lines anyway and they'll have an extra copy in my dressing room so I'm good."

"Okay great. I- um gotta go but uh I'll see y-you around..."

"Jason." He smiles.

"Jason. Got it." You say aloud as more of a self-reminder than a statement. "See ya." You say before turning around and walking to your trailer.

When it was time for all the actors and actresses to be given their makeovers for the scene, Jason was one of your actors you were going to be doing.

You and Jason chatted as you did his face. It was hard for you to do certain things because either you or he were laughing and fooling around. Once you finally finished, you had 4 more cast members to do.

End Of Filming

It was finally time to leave and you were packing up your make-up. Once you finished straightening up your area, you walked out the trailer door and to your car.

"Y/n, wait up!" You heard Jason call before walking towards you.

"Hey Jason, wassup?"

"Uhh, nothing much. I was kinda wondering since you, ya know, spilled my coffee this morning that you would wanna, I don't know, grab a drink sometime?" Jason asks as you approach your car.

"Sure, let me know when and what time." You open your trunk and put your stuff in.

"Are you free this Friday night at say 9?"

"Yeah." You say, closing the truck.

"Great!-I mean cool, I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya-"

"Oh wait your number." You put your number in his phone before getting into your car. "I'll text you."

"You better." That night before you closed your eyes, Jason texted you goodnight.

2 and Half Year Later

Jason's POV

"Before we go, Jason, the fans wanna know how you met your girlfriend, Y/f/n?"

"Uhh well, on the first day of the set for Aquaman, this woman bumped into me causing me to spill coffee all over my script. When I first laid eyes on her, I said to myself, this woman was gonna be the death of me. She's gonna be the one I wait down the aisle for someday. Y/n doesn't know about this but I guess she does now so baby," I turned and motioned for her to come on stage. The audience clapped loudly as she appeared.

I got on one knee and took out the black velvet box I had been keeping from her for the past 6 months now. She covered her mouth with her hands as her eyes welled up.

"Y/n, I fell in love you with you the day I laid eyes on you. Getting to know you and a chance to give you my love was just the icing on the cake. You are and will always be the love of my life. Will you accept my ring and be my wife?"

"Y-Yes." She cries and I slipped the ring onto her finger.

"She said yes!" I yelled as I stood up. Everyone applauded and cheered. "I love you," I cupped her face and kissed her lips.

6 Months Later


  prideofgypsies Mr

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prideofgypsies Mr. & Mrs. Momoa 😍❤️

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