•Niall Horan•

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For Helloworld106

Jealous Niall Says What?

  Angels POV

My best friend, Niall, and I have been rehearsing for 6 hours for our last show tomorrow night. We had some breaks where we just smacked, played around the arena, and pranking each other.

"I think we're good, let's go eat!" I yelled from the floor.

"I'm with Angel, let's go!" Niall got up from the other side of the stage floor and came to me. I put my hands up while still laid out on the floor.

"Piggyback ride," I whined as he pulled me up. He turned so his back was facing me then bent his knees so I could jump on his back.

"Yeah, we definitely need to get you some food. You're way too light Angel." Niall chucked.

"You're exaggerating but whatever, as long as I get food."

"But first, back to the hotel. You need a shower." Niall joked as he walked out back to where the car was waiting for us.

"I'm not the only one," I mumbled as we got in the car.

"What was that?" Niall asked before tickling me to death. "I don't think I heard you! I'm not the only-"

"You're not the only one who loves food!" I yelled. He stopped and I straightened up in the seat before putting my seatbelt on.

"That's what I thought."

"Whatever, at least I'm not ugly." I spat back.

"Uglysayswhat?" He said something way too fast which was for me hard to understand due to his accent.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, okay." Niall chuckled.

"You're weird." Taking out my phone to check my social media.

When we got to the hotel, Niall and I snuck in from the back to avoid fans. Only because we're coming from rehearsal, we look a mess and kinda smell. I don't think any fan would want a picture or hug from us smelling and looking like we do now.

I got to my room and headed straight for the shower. Niall and I decided to just grab pizza and snacks and have a movie night in my hotel room because going out somewhere meant dressing up and then everyone would think we were on a date. Not that I would care but ya know.

 Not that I would care but ya know

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