~Shawn Mendes~

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Ellen's Surprise

Shawns P.O.V

"And now welcome the world's most loved Canadian Pop Star and rising Actor, Shawn Mendes!" Ellen introduced me and the crowd went wild as I walked out on stage.

"Hey Ellen, thanks for having me," I say hugging her and sitting down.

"No, thank you for coming." Ellen smiles. "So how is the tour going?"

"The performing and meeting the longtime fans have been great and all but I just really miss being back home with my family," I explain, and the crowd awes.

"For those of you who've been living under a rock for god knows how long," everyone laughs, "Shawn is married to a multi-talented actress, model, Y/n Y/m Mendes." A picture of my wife pops up and another one with the both of us. "And they have a 4-year-old daughter, Ashlynn Renae Karen Mendes, whose already starting her modeling career with her mom," Ellen says then pictures of Y/n and Ashlynn show on the screen and everyone awwe again.

 "And they have a 4-year-old daughter, Ashlynn Renae Karen Mendes, whose already starting her modeling career with her mom," Ellen says then pictures of Y/n and Ashlynn show on the screen and everyone awwe again

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 "Now, have you tried to teach her guitar when you are home?"

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"Now, have you tried to teach her guitar when you are home?"

"Yeah, I bought her a purple guitar for her 4th birthday and so far we've been able to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," everyone awe and applauds, "but now she's like "Daddy I wanna play Chitches" and I ask Princess what's Chitches, and she goes, the song that plays on the wadio, the one dat goes now dat I'm witout yor kisses ill be needing Chitches," everyone laughs, "And I'm like ohhh you mean Stitches, and she sasses, that's what I just said, daddy. I swear she's just like her mom." I laugh.

"So have you taught her the song?"

"We have the chorus down but when I get home we're going to get the intro done so we can perform it for her father-daughter talent show," I explain.

"Well we have to go to break right now but when we come back we have a surprise for Shawn here," Ellen says into the camera. "We have a 5-minute break before we meet back here." She assures me.

"Can I know what the surprise is?" I ask curiously.

"Sorry Shawnie, but no can do." Ellen laughs.

I walk to the dressing room and FaceTime Y/n. It rings 3 times and it ends. I try again and the same thing happens. Just as I was going to text her, she texts me first.

Wifie❤️💍- Can't ft rn call me
Me- Okay

I call her and she immediately picks up.

"Hey, baby, what's up?"

"Nothing much, are you and Ashlynn watching Ellen."

"You know it, baby."

"Is that daddy?" I hear Ashlynn ask Y/n. "Hey daddy, I miss you."

"Hey princess, I miss you too." I feel my eyes sting as I smile cheek to cheek. I miss them so much and FaceTime, audio calls, and texts just aren't enough for me. Just 1 more month and I'll be home in time for her 5th birthday.

We talk for the rest of the time before the floor manager calls me to stage. I say my goodbyes and walk back to Ellen.

"And we're back with Shawn Mendes, to whom I'm sure is wondering what my surprise for him is."

"I just hope it's not a tomato." I joke.

"We can assure you, Shawn, it's not a tomato. Everyone, please welcome Y/n and Ashlynn Mendes." I whip my head back so fast I thought it was gonna fall off. As everyone applauds, I get and pick up Ashlynn who jumps into my arms.

"Surprise!" Y/n says and I pull her into the hug making it into a family hug.

We pull away and walk to the couch where Ellen was. Ashlynn sits on my lap and Y/n sits next to me.

"So, I'm guessing you like your surprise."

"I love it, thanks, Ellen."

"No problem." Ellen smiles.

Ellen asks us all questions about each other, how things are at home when I'm not there, what Ashlynn likes to do by herself, and when we're together, and many other questions. We shared memories and laughs as well.

"Before we go, Y/n and Ashlynn want to play Shawn a song they've been working on." I look at Y/n curiously but she just smiles as the two of them get up and walk to the performing stage. The stage crew hands them a guitar as they sit on the stools in front of a mic.

"This song is called Mercy by my daddy Shawn Mendes," Ashlynn says in the mic. "Ready mommy?" Y/n nods and Ashlynn hums the intro as I watch in awe.

After the show, we left together and went to lunch. I was off for 3 days so Y/n, Ashlynn, and I spent time together before I had to fly back out on tour and the girls back to Canada.


All my Shawn Imagines won't have him always be so innocent, just be patient with me or Request one so I can get to it already.



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