•Nick Jonas•

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I'd like to apologize ahead of time to any Demi Lovato Fans out there...I have nothing against Demi and I too love her but in this imagine she is the enemy. Sorry not sorry...see what I did there 🤫😉😉


Your P.O.V

"I'm telling you Nick, she doesn't like me." I argued with my fiancé about his best friend.

"You're being ridiculous, Demi loves you. She told me herself." I gave Nick a look of disbelief. "I'm for real! She did!" I looked at him harder but this time crossing my arms and squinting my eyes. "Okay, maybe not exactly, but-"

  "Exactly." I cut him off. "I'm not going to the party."

   "Baby, please, she's my best friend. Can you at least come for me?" Nick pleaded. I didn't change my expression, so he wrapped his arms around my body squeezing me.

  "Nicholas, let me go." I twist and turned, trying to get out of his grip.

  "Not until you say you'll come."

  "No." I said bluntly.

  "Come on, Y/n, I know how to make you crack." Nick threatened.

  "Not if you can't catch me." I threw the blanket over his head, jumped of the couch, and ran into our bedroom then locked the door. Belly flopping on the bed, I grabbed the remote and turned the tv on. The door jiggled and I snickered. "Doors locked, dumbass!"

Five minutes into Ravens Home, the door opened. Nick was standing there smirking with a bobby-pin in his hand. "Damn it." I cursed under my breath. Deciding on weather to juke him out and go for the door or run straight towards the bathroom and lock myself in, I looked back and forth at my choices to escape.

I sprinted toward the bathroom, but he got there before me. Nick picked me up and threw me over his shoulders before throwing me on the bed and straddling me.

"Get off of me, Jonas!" I tried punching him in his stomach but he just snickered.

"You asked for it." Nick begun tickling me making me laugh with tears.

"S-Stop!" I cried out in between laughs.

"Say you'll go with me to Demi's party?"

"No." He continued tickling me until I caved. "O-oka-ayy, I'll go!" I yelled. Nick stopped and grinned.

"I knew you'd crack. Now let's get ready, we have to be there by 8." Nick got up off me and I could finally breathe.

"I hate you." I muttered but he heard and pinned down to the bed.

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you." This man, I swear.

"I said I Love You!"

"That's what I thought." Nick smirked.

"Shut up and kiss me." I demanded before our lips touched. Nick and I both managed to get ourselves ready for Demi's Album Release Party for Tell Me You Love Me.

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